When “Doughnut” meets blue economy and fisheries

We employ a “doughnut” approach to assess the state of the purse-seiners fisheries sector in the Mediterranean Sea

In this paper, we employ a “doughnut” economic approach to comprehensively assess the state of the purse-seiners fisheries sector in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. The analysis identifies several instances of ecological overshooting and shortages in basic social needs, indicating that the current situation is, in many respects, far from being in a secure, ecologically safe, and socially just space. It demonstrates that the necessary transition to achieve a sustainable sector is not solely a technical or financial issue; it also
requires sufficient social capabilities to lead and manage the process, taking into consideration the social context in which it would occur. Our assessment indicates the need for urgent action and an overarching transition plan that includes an ecosystem-based fishery management plan, including commercial and social plans. The study showcases that this approach is useful in providing valuable information to support the transition of fisheries toward sustainability. Moreover, utilizing this non-fisheries-specific framework can facilitate the participation of fisheries expertise in broader discussions about the socioeconomic and ecological changes needed to achieve a post-growth-oriented blue economy.

The paper: "Can a "doughnut" economic framework be useful to monitor the blue economy success? A fisheries example". It can be download in free access here: https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-14743-290122 





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