Communities: Let's Get Started!
A collection of tools & stories to apply the ideas of Doughnut Economics to your community
Posted by the DEAL Team
Doughnut Economics Seven Ways Zine
Turn an A4 print-out into an 8-page booklet showing each of the seven ways to think like a 21st century economist
Posted by the DEAL Team
A Quick Introduction to the Doughnut
Introducing the Doughnut and its application in Amsterdam
Posted by the DEAL Team
Introducing Regenerative and Distributive Design
Three short videos introducing the design dynamics at the heart of Doughnut Economics
Posted by the DEAL Team
Doughnut Diagrams in 25+ languages
PDF and JPEG formats for printing and use in presentations
Posted by the DEAL Team
Doughnut Economics TED Talk
Kate Raworth's TED Talk from 2018
Posted by the DEAL Team
Get Animated! Introducing the Seven Ways
Seven short animations to introduce the Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist
Posted by the DEAL Team
What is the Doughnut?
An introduction to the concept at the heart of Doughnut Economics
Posted by the DEAL Team

Communities & Art
Designing playful methods to engage with Doughnut Economics ideas and creating accessible ways to come together to connect, explore and take action

Communities in action
Welcome to DEAL’s communities page. Here you’ll find lots of stories of people around the world applying the ideas of Doughnut Economics in their lives and communities - from the household, to the street, to the neighbourhood scale - and people connecting with others at the city and regional scale to form groups and networks for change.
Some people feel intimidated by the term ‘economics’ but not many are intimidated by Doughnuts! As such, we’ve found the Doughnut can act as a welcoming entry point for conversations about the economy and an invitation for everyone to be a part in reimagining an economy that meets the needs of all within the means of the living planet.
So we invite you to take a look around, read some stories and browse the tools to explore the ideas further and introduce them to others in your community in inviting, playful and accessible ways.
Quick start tools
Learn about the ideas of Doughnut Economics in these short videos and explainers.
Share them with others in your community to get a quick start to the essentials of Doughnut Economics.
Going deeper
Explore these videos and resources to go deeper into the ideas of Doughnut Economics.
These tools can be useful to share with others who already know the basics of Doughnut Economics and want to expand their understanding of the ideas and how they can be put into action.
Workshops and activities
Introduce and explore the ideas of Doughnut Economics with your community with these workshops and activities.
Creating a Doughnut Portrait
We've created this set of tools to help you apply the ideas of Doughnut Economics to your place.
The tools 'unroll the Doughnut' and invite you to explore your local aspirations and your global responsibilities within your place to create a Doughnut Portrait of your place as a starting point for transformative action.
Community stories
Read how communities around the world are approaching Doughnut Economics for transformative change.
Community events
Events that you can join to meet others and hear stories of community action around the world.
You can also create and publish your own community events to connect with others.
Networks in action
Explore the open groups and networks around the world that are connecting people at the city, regional and national scale around the ideas of Doughnut Economics to speed up transformation.
Groups and networks map
Other themes
Explore the other areas Doughnut Economics is being put into action, from cities councils to businesses.