Learn and be inspired by how Doughnut Economics is being put into practice by DEAL Community members around the world. Browse existing stories or write your own!
Browsing 364 stories
International Classrooms from IDEEC proyect.
Mixed online and outline sessions, where classrooms from Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Scotland and UK work on impact ideas
DEAL Comes to Loughborough Business School
DEAL joins Loughborough Business School students for an interactive event on sustainable and regenerative business.
Stapelstein: Doughnut Design Case Study
Stapelstein® is a German company that makes environmentally friendly play and movement products.
Kazi Yetu: Doughnut Design Case Study
Kazi Yetu (“our work” in Swahili) is a social enterprise producing & marketing high value, organically certified tea.
Citizenfund: Doughnut Design Case Study
The Citizenfund is a participatory citizen investment fund that uses collective intelligence to support impact projects.
Amul: Doughnut Design Case Study
AMUL is an acronym for Gujarat Milk Marketing Federation - an Indian multinational cooperative with 3.6m farmer-members.
Crowdbuilding: Doughnut Design Case Study
CrowdBuilding is a steward-owned business dedicated to making community-led housing the norm.
Turqle Trading: Doughnut Design Case Study
Turqle is a Fair Trade Enterprise connecting producers & customers through high-quality products, transparency & trust.
Kauaʻi Federal Credit Union: Doughnut Design Case
Kauaʻi Federal Credit Union is a democratically owned & governed credit union with $190m in deposits & 7,800 members.
Manos del Uruguay: Doughnut Design Case Study
Manos is a network of 12 rural, female-led worker cooperatives that produces, exports & retails $5m of luxury clothing.
Haferkater: Doughnut Design Case Study
Haferkater is a German restaurant chain that serves healthy vegan porridge to go.
Alternative Bank Switzerland: Doughnut Design Case
ABS is a Swiss financial institution founded to promote positive social & ecological impact rather than maximisation.
Taller Maya
Taller Maya is a collective of artisan social enterprises in the Yucatán Peninsula
United Repair Centre: Doughnut Design Case Study
United Repair Centre provides circular economy services to the clothing industry.
Doughnut Economics and Sport for Development
Applying the Doughnut Economics Framework to Sport for Development - The Example of an East African Sports Charity
Applying Doughnut Economics to a football club
Application of the Doughnut Design for Business Tool to a professional football club - the example of VfL Wolfsburg GmbH
Applying Doughnut Economics to Fandom in Sports
Application of Doughnut Economics to sports fandom for sustainable engagement.
Applying Doughnut Economics to a basketball club
Applying the Doughnut Economics to BBC Bayreuth, a club that is playing in germanys second highest basketball league
Applying Doughnut Economics to sport brands
The application of Doughnut Economics to Patagonia– A Pioneer in Sustainable Commitment in the Sporting Goods Industry
Applying Doughnut Economics to sport brands
The application of Doughnut Economics to VAUDE – A Pioneer in Sustainable Commitment in the Sporting Goods Industry.
Applying Doughnut Economics to a top sports brand
Application of the Doughnut Design for Business Tool to sporting goods manufacturers: The example of adidas.
California Doughnut Snapshot Released!
The California Doughnut Economics Coalition just released a Doughnut Economics snapshot of California's Economy!
Applying Doughnut Economics to Major Sport Events
The application of the Doughnut Economics to the Summer Feeling Event
Applying Doughnut Economics to Major Sport Events
The application of the Doughnut Economics to the International German Gymnastics Festival
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