# neighbourhood
Tools, stories and possibilities for using Doughnut Economics in your neighbourhood

Browsing 57 search results
Upcoming Event
Place-based Doughnut Design For Business
Community Works Oxford, 21 Park End Street, Oxford, OX1 1HH, United Kingdom
Upcoming Event
Stockholm lunch meetup
# interactive-workshops
Sharing activities and workshops that introduce the ideas of Doughnut Economics in interactive and experiential ways
# games
Creating games to explore the ideas and possibilities of Doughnut Economics in action
Otra Economia, repensar el presente
Taller participativo para los jóvenes la comunidad y el territorio
Communities: Let's Get Started!
A collection of tools & stories to apply the ideas of Doughnut Economics to your community
Renegade Economists Miro World
An organic, playful home to an abundance of Doughnut resources, inspiration, and spaces for collaboration and reflection
Ecosocial Equilibrium
An optimal state of a living system - thriving and flourishing together in complex, ever-changing times
Doughnut Discovery Canvas
A canvas that invites the Doughnut pioneers of your place to share their stories, perspectives and dreams
WHAM Gameplay - Empowering Learning Ecosystems
WHAM Gameplay the curious, creative & dynamic card game for thriving & flourishing in these complex, ever-change times.
Doughnut Cinema Guide
The guide helps you create your own Doughnut Cinema. Dive into doughnut economics through film, talks and action!
Four Lenses Walkshop Canvas
Go on a journey through your neighbourhood, bringing your curiosities and using the Four Lenses framework to guide you
International Classrooms from IDEEC proyect.
Mixed online and outline sessions, where classrooms from Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Scotland and UK work on impact ideas
Reflections on the GDD 2024 Workshop in Seoul
Event brief of DonutZip's workshop for the GDD 2024
We Are Neutinamu Makers!
A Network of Makers for a Regenerative and Redistributive Future
Taking the metaphor a step further: Donut Bakery
Neighbourhood organisations and citizens collaborating to let the local donut emerge.
Renegade Economists Assemble
Renegade Neighbourhood Economists from across the UK & beyond assembled in Ladywood to launch 12 peer learning journeys.
Community Doughnut Action in Amsterdam
How Amsterdam's neighbourhoods are putting the Doughnut into practice in their own back yards
Neutinamu Makers’ Local Global Doughnut Day Event
Welcoming Global Doughnut Day with a “Zero-Energy Mujun-gi” Event
Analysis of the Northern District of Lviv, Ukraine
Comprehensive analysis, which aimed to provide understanding of the current and potential state of the city district
Neighbourhood Doughnut Portrait Launch
We're excited to introduce you to the first Neighbourhood Doughnut Portrait, painted by many people together in Ladywood
Vision for the Shropshire Hills in Doughnut form
We've used the doughnut model as the basis of a visual Vision for the Shropshire Hills National Landscape
Good News Stories of Milton Keynes Spring 2024
Good News of Milton Keynes was so well received, that we have gathered a more stories.
Donut for Cities Workshop: Brazil´s context
A Workshop to explore the 4 Lenses tools for Building Prosperous and Resilient Cities in Times of Climate Emergency