Get in touch with the DEAL Team

Thank you for your interest in Doughnut Economics Action Lab!
This contact form really is the best way of getting in touch with us - we regularly check all incoming messages.
Please note: we receive a large volume of messages every week, so before sending us a message, do please read our FAQ which may well have the very answer you’re looking for.
For events and talks: we are receiving a very large number of invitations for events, podcasts and interviews each week and we are currently a small team, so very unfortunately we cannot engage with them all.
While we aim to reply to all invitations we receive, if you have not heard back from us within three weeks then we are very regrettably not able to accept your request.
If we have not been able to get back to you, or have not been able to accept your request, then we warmly welcome you to explore the many tools and stories on this platform, including this set of videos and presentations created by the DEAL Team that introduces the core concepts and practice of Doughnut Economics, which may be useful, if appropriate, to use as part of your event.
For all other messages: we aim to get back to you within three weeks, but please bear with us as we are managing a large number of requests. To help us get your message to the right person in the DEAL Team, please select a message category and theme that most closely corresponds to the subject and content of your message.
Thank you for reaching out to the DEAL Team - we have received your message.
We aim to get back to you within two weeks, however we receive a large number of messages every day and unfortunately this is not always possible.
In the meantime, why not check out the many tools & stories created by the DEAL Team and Community, or browse upcoming events you may want to join?
Thank you for your patience and understanding.