Join us for Global Donut Day on November 13, 2023

Welcome to DEAL

Turning the ideas of Doughnut Economics into action

Welcome to DEAL

Turning the ideas of Doughnut Economics into action

DEAL Spotlight

A snapshot of important news, exciting events, inspiring stories, and key tools for putting Doughnut Economics into practice — from the DEAL Team.


Inspiring examples and case studies of Doughnut Economics in action in a broad range of places and contexts.

Dive in and get inspired by existing and on-going projects and initiatives from around the world. 

Upcoming events

Upcoming Doughnut Economics events - both online and in-person - by and for the DEAL Community.





Join the DEAL Community!

Get inspired, connect with others and become part of the movement. No matter how big or small your contribution is, you’re welcome to join!