Version 1.0 (September 2023)
The DEAL Team has created this tool to support changemakers who are facilitating events or sessions engaging with Doughnut Economics by providing a set of resources (videos and presentation slides) that can be used to introduce the core concepts and evolving practice.
We invite changemakers to adapt and/or combine the slides from the seven presentations included below to support your own presentations in different situations - in classrooms, boardrooms, community centres, city halls, and more. Similarly, we envision the videos being used for learning purposes, in full or in part, or played directly as a part of workshops and events.
The seven videos and presentations listed below cover the core concepts of Doughnut Economics and the evolving practice and tools across different thematic areas, in cities, communities, business, and research (two more coming soon!).
We do hope these resources prove useful for your initiatives - please do share comments, suggestions, and learnings so that we can make them better in future iterations.
Core concepts of Doughnut Economics, by Kate Raworth (25m13s)
Downscaling the Doughnut to Nations, by Andrew Fanning (16m18s)
Introducing the 'Doughnut Unrolled' and the four lenses, by Kate Raworth (11m35s)
Doughnut Unrolled: Data Portrait of Place, by Andrew Fanning (18m05s)
Communities in Action, by Rob Shorter (24m22s)
Local and Regional Governments in Action, by Leonora Grcheva (21m39s)
Doughnut Design for Business, by Erinch Sahan (16m31s)
Doughnut Economics in School and Education (coming soon), by Carolina Escobar-Tello
DEAL: from a radical idea into transformative action (coming soon), by Carlota Sanz
In this 25-min video, Kate Raworth (DEAL Co-founder and Conceptual Lead) introduces the Doughnut and the seven ways to think like a 21st century economist.
You can access the presentation online using Google slides, or download the PowerPoint presentation (also available at the bottom of this page).
In this 16-min video, Andrew Fanning (DEAL Research & Data Analysis Lead) introduces research on how countries perform with respect to the Doughnut’s social and ecological boundaries, and presents an interactive website where users can explore national Doughnut data and charts for 150 countries.
You can access the presentation online using Google slides, or download the PowerPoint presentation (also available at the bottom of this page).
In this 11-min video, Kate Raworth (DEAL Co-founder and Conceptual Lead) introduces the "Doughnut Unrolled" framework, which translates the global Doughnut to the scale of a city or region by exploring how to achieve local aspirations - to be thriving people in a thriving place - while respecting global responsibilities to safeguard the wellbeing of all people and the health of the whole planet.
You can access the presentation online using Google slides, or download the PowerPoint presentation (also available at the bottom of this page).
In this 18-min video, Andrew Fanning (DEAL Research & Data Analysis Lead) introduces the Doughnut Unrolled: Data Portrait of Place tool - a methodological handbook of approaches and useful resources to collect locally relevant, data-led targets and indicators, creating a holistic snapshot or a 'portrait' of your place's social and ecological performance.
You can access the presentation online using Google slides, or download the PowerPoint presentation (also available at the bottom of this page).
In this 24-min video, Rob Shorter (DEAL Communities & Art Lead) introduces how communities - from the household, to the street, to the neighbourhood scale - are applying the ideas of Doughnut Economics, and how people are connecting with others at the city and regional scale to form groups and networks for change.
You can access the presentation online using Google slides, or download the PowerPoint presentation (also available at the bottom of this page).
In this 21-min video, Leonora Grcheva (DEAL Cities & Regions Lead) introduces what it means for cities and regions to aim for the Doughnut, and how local governments are putting the principles of Doughnut Economics into policies, practices and processes.
You can access the presentation online using Google slides, or download the PowerPoint presentation (also available at the bottom of this page).
In this 16-min video, Erinch Sahan (DEAL Business & Enterprise lead) introduces how the principles of Doughnut Economics apply to businesses, and the concepts in DEAL's tool for exploring them.
You can access the presentation online using Google slides, or download the PowerPoint presentation (also available at the bottom of this page).
In this upcoming video, Carolina Escobar-Tello (DEAL Schools & Education Lead) will introduce how schools and students are engaging with the concepts and tools of Doughnut Economics - watch this space!
In this upcoming video, Carlota Sanz (DEAL Co-founder and Strategy Lead) will introduce the strategies and principles that guide our work at Doughnut Economics Action Lab, as part of the growing movement for new economic thinking and doing - watch this space!
This tool was designed and co-created with contributions from Aimee Laurel, Andrew Fanning, Erinch Sahan, Kate Raworth, Leonora Grcheva, and Rob Shorter from the DEAL Team, with a special thanks to Aimee for the video editing/support.
Presenting DE_Core concepts by Kate Raworth.pptx
Presenting DE_National Doughnuts by Andrew Fanning.pptx
Presenting DE_Doughnut Unrolled by Kate Raworth .pptx
Presenting DE_Data Portrait of Place by Andrew Fanning.pptx
Presenting DE_Communities in action by Rob Shorter.pptx
Presenting DE_Doughnut design for businesses by Erinch Sahan.pptx
Presenting DE_Cities and regions in action by Leonora Grcheva.pptx
Andrzej Mazur
Lublin, Lublin Voivodeship, Poland
Exploration of co-design practices for Digital Commons, like national instance of Open Food Network for agrifood coops in Poland.
Derren Rosbach
Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
I teach classes and conduct research about sustainability and environmental planning
Egil Petter Stræte
Oslo, Norway
I hope to be inspired how to assess various dimensions of sustainability in a holistic perspective. To learn new methods.
Hana Lee
Seattle, Washington, United States
I'd like to learn, collaborate, and contribute to bringing systemic changes.
Erica Hinckson
New Zealand
The Doughnut economics framework resonates with me and direction of my research. Interested to know more.
Get inspired, connect with others and become part of the movement. No matter how big or small your contribution is, you’re welcome to join!
Kevin Day
I’m a antiracist design thinker who means to grow that frame towards embracing and learning from all of human life.