About Organisations & Networks

About the groups, networks and organisations putting the ideas of Doughnut Economics into practice.

Members of Amsterdam Donut Coalitie


Welcome to the DEAL Community Platform space for Organisations and Networks! Come on in.

This space is home to a wonderful diversity of action-oriented groups, networks and organisations that are using the ideas and tools of Doughnut Economics in many inspiring ways and contexts.

Here you’ll find people to connect and learn with, be inspired by, and seek support from. We hope this space enables you to see and explore this diversity of action: from organisational design, to vision, activity, projects, services, location and more.

An evolving community of practice

Whether you’re a place-based group, a professional workshop facilitator, or any other configuration of people using and exploring the ideas and tools of Doughnut Economics, we consider you to be a part of the DEAL Community.

It is our intention to catalyse a community that is distributive by design, and to gradually move this space towards a self-governing community of practice where the DEAL Team is not a “gatekeeper”, but rather a “steward” and fellow practitioner.

For now, we invite all groups, networks and organisations that are taking action to make an acknowledgement to the rest of the community about how their practice is aligned with the DEAL Community’s Principles & Guidelines.

We ask this so that the ideas and practice of Doughnut Economics can retain their transformative potential for everyone who wants to use them, and to help prevent this work from being co-opted or used to greenwash the practices of business as usual.

Optional completion

The Public Declaration Form it is optional for any organisation and network that is not doing either of these two things.

If your organisation is legally registered but you are not doing either of these two things, we still recommend you complete a Public Declaration Form for your profile page, as it enables you to show and demonstrate to the wider DEAL Community how your design enables the work that you do and the change that you want to bring about.

For any other group, network or organisation that relies on unpaid and/or volunteer time, rather than complete the Public Declaration Form, we instead simply invite you to email us at profiles@doughnuteconomics.org to introduce yourself, then one of the DEAL Team members will get back to you to help you set up your profile.

Introducing the Public Declaration Form

To make an acknowledgement to the rest of the community about how your practice is aligned with the DEAL Community’s Principles & Guidelines we have created this Public Declaration Form.

Completion of the form is required for any organisation and network that wants to do either of the following two things: 

  1. engage with businesses using the Doughnut Design for Business tools (either the core tool, taster tool, or the place-based tool).
  2. support local governments in their own transformative processes with the ideas and tools of Doughnut Economics (for example using the Doughnut Unrolled tools to create a Portrait of Place).

If your organisation and network want to do either of these two things, please complete the form and email it to declarations@doughnuteconomics.org. A member of the DEAL Team will then create your profile page and add your completed Public Declaration Form to your profile.

Please note that support is available to complete a Public Declaration Form if your network or organisation relies on unpaid and/or volunteer time.

Please note that being part of DEAL's community is not equivalent to a certification or endorsement and should not be presented as such.

Using 'Doughnut' or 'Doughnut Economics' in your group or network name

The words Doughnut and Doughnut Economics are very special to us as they represent the ideas and their transformative potential.

Whilst everyone can use the ideas and tools of Doughnut Economics within their organisation by following the Doughnut Principles of Practice, we ask that any group or network that chooses to use the words Doughnut or Donut in their name follow additional guidelines.

The purpose of the guidelines is to enable the transformative work of these groups and networks whilst offering healthy boundaries to protect the integrity of the ideas for everyone.

They have been co-created with groups and networks and will continue to evolve as our understanding of the practice grows and evolves.

Your feedback

The diversity of groups, networks and organisations putting Doughnut Economics into practice defies neat categorisation. Instead, we focus on actions to help people find each other. But this is complex work and, while we hope the structure and process we are offering is useful, we also recognise that there is no one “right” way to do this, and we will undoubtedly make mistakes along the way.

So, in the spirit of a living system, we expect this work to continue to evolve and adapt based on the wants and needs of the DEAL Community. As such, we warmly invite you to share your thoughts and feedback.

Frequently Asked Questions

For many, creating a profile is totally optional. For instance, If you’re an organisation using Doughnut Economics solely for internal reflection, or you’re a small learning group that’s just getting started, we encourage you to share your reflections and learnings as a story, rather than creating a profile.

However, if you’re an organisation that is looking to engage with businesses (e.g. by offering business workshop facilitation) or you want to work closely with local governments, we do ask that you create a profile so that you can demonstrate your commitment to the ideas and principles of Doughnut Economics to the wider DEAL Community that we are all a part of. 

About Organisations & Networks

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