Wider Movement
Allies building economies fit for the 21st century
DEAL sees itself as part of a dynamic, evolving network of organisations moving towards a distributive and regenerative economy. Here are just a few of the many fantastic organisations within this growing network, loosely categorised by theme, that are connecting change-makers and providing open-access tools and resources for economic systems change.
Education & Research
- Children's Environmental Literacy Programme: https://celfeducation.org/
- Exploring Economics: https://www.exploring-economics.org/en/
- Rethinking Economics: http://www.rethinkeconomics.org/
- Movement Generation: https://movementgeneration.org/
- Seeds for Change: https://www.seedsforchange.org.uk/
- Transition Network: https://transitionnetwork.org/
- Ubuntu Lab: https://www.presencing.org/programs/ubuntu-lab
- We Change: https://wechange.de/
Cities & Places
- Bioregional: https://www.bioregional.com/one-planet-living
- Centre for Thriving Places: https://www.centreforthrivingplaces.org/
- Connectle: https://www.connectle.com/
- Vikalp Sangam: http://vikalpsangam.org/
Business & Enterprise
- People & Planet First verification: https://peopleandplanetfirst.org/
- Transform Finance Alternative Ownership Hub: https://www.transformfinance.org/alternative-ownership-enterprises-learning-hub
- Start.Coop: https://start.coop/
- Purpose Economy: https://purpose-economy.org/en/ressources/
- Economy for the Common Good: https://www.ecogood.org/
Government and Policy
- New Economics Foundation: https://neweconomics.org/
- Wellbeing Economy Alliance: https://wellbeingeconomy.org/
Transformative Processes
- Donella Meadows Institute: http://donellameadows.org/systems-thinking-resources/
- DIY Toolkit: https://states-of-change.org/resources/diy-toolkit
- International Futures Forum: https://www.internationalfuturesforum.com/
- Presencing Institute: https://www.presencing.org/