Communities: Let’s Get Started meet-up 2 (Past)
Meet others who are interested in neighbourhood and place-based network organising with Doughnut Economics
Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.
Communities: Let's Get Started is a collection of tools & stories, launched on 18th May 2023, to apply the ideas of Doughnut Economics to your community, whether at the household, street or neighbourhood scale or connecting as networks for systemic change at the city, region or national scale.
The tool contains over 25 tools and 20 stories - with contributions from people, groups, networks and organisations from around the world - to help you get started with your community in your own unique context.
This meet-up is for anyone interested in the community action with Doughnut Economics, whether your interested to get started, or you're already on your journey of exploring the ideas and tools of Doughnut Economics and their implications in your place.
- We'll hear from Rob Shorter, DEAL's Community & Art Lead about some of the tools contained in Communities: Let's Get Started
- We'll hear from people who've written stories in the tool
- And you'll have the chance to ask questions and connect with others on the call
We look forward to seeing you there!
Rob Shorter
London, England, United Kingdom
Communities & Art Lead at DEAL. Excited to explore how the holistic goal of the Doughnut opens a space for collective imagining and action within communities of place and purpose around the world. Get in touch by going to the DEAL Contact Form and selecting 'Communities & Art'
Lara Dengerink
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Maroushka Saldanha
Bringing together environmental science, economics and communications for social change.
Madeleine Hill
Barcelona, Spain
Camilla Pang
A biochemist and writer, I am very passionate and driven to use biology as a tool to make systems more regenerative and sustainable.
Cyrus Mbugua
Nairobi, Kenya
Am passionate about Sustainability and the Circular Economy.
Martin Begley
I am a newly-minted economics teaching living and working in South East London.
Nathalie ROY
Barcelona, Spain
Citizen - French by passport, global by mindset - dedicated to sustainability and societal responsibility. The core of my work is to TRAIN, CONNECT and EMPOWER individuals and organisations so that they are able to transform themselves and build projects that positively change our world. My vision is a balanced, pluriversal, responsible and sustainable society. I am passionate about the multiple dimensions of sustainability and societal impact. My experience spans across: 📗 Environmental sciences and climate change 📕 Life cycle assessment, ecodesign, circular economy 📒Territorial sustainable development projects and policies 📘 Societal responsibility of organisations 📙 Social innovation, social entrepreneurship, social business 📓 Change management, behaviour change, transformation and leadership Very keen on connecting with other changemakers!
Akshay Kotha
Phoenix, AZ, USA
I am passionate about data storytelling and looking forward to connecting with like-minded individuals who are proponents of doughnut economics.