Global Donut Day in Plovdiv (Past)

A day full of activities in Plovdiv including presentations and a workshop as part of the Global Donut Day

# GlobalDonutDay hashtag_lookup:#GlobalDonutDay 
The schedule displays all events according to Eastern European Time (EET).

16.11 - Plovdiv

17:30 - 17:45 Opening of the Global Donut Day
17:45 - 18:15 Why is ICE talking about donut economics and the evolution of cultural models?
18:15 - 18:30 Replay of the conversation with Kate Raworth, the creator of the Doughnut Economy
18:30 - 18:45 Break
18:45 - 20:00 Workshop: working towards a circular economy together
20:00 - 21:00 Networking @ Chasha / Wine Glass


16.11 - Пловдив

17:30 - 17:45 Oткриване на Global Donut Day
17:45 - 18:15  Защо ИКИ говори за донът икономика и еволюция на културните модели?
18:15 - 18:30 Запис от разговор с Кейт Рaуърт създателката на донът икономиката
18:30 - 18:45 Почивка
18:45 - 20:00 Работилница: ще поработим заедно за осъществяването на кръгова икономика
20:00 - 21:00 Неформална част @ Винен бар и магазин "Чаша"

Address: Museum of Natural Sciences
Organized by: Institute for Circular Economy (ICE)



    Svetoslav Stoykov

    Bulgarian Mountains

    Learning all I can do about the Doughnut model

    Iva Stanisheva

    Ivan Vazov, Sofia

    Care for the environment and the urgent need of our society to redefine our relationship with economics.


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