TePlab is focused on the study and development of teaching practices in formal and non-formal educative settings. Its research addresses the practice of teaching in formal education (from preschool to higher education) as well as facilitating learning in non- ormal contexts. As a laboratory, TePlab engages in empirical research as well as in co-reative collaboration with teachers. TePlab mainly conducts research on teaching practices in relation to often complex and controversial societal issues such as sustainable development, health, ‘socio-scientific issues’, etc.
We also do research focusing on facilitation and learning in sustainability transitions and on coproduction processes where teachers together with didactic researchers and content experts develop lesson plans and teaching materials. In a research project funded by the Swedish Research Council and in collaboration with teachers in Belgium and Sweden, members of the group are using the Embedded Economy model and the lesson series “Meet the Economy” to develop new teaching materials in subjects such as Social studies and Economics.
Principal Investigator: Pernilla Andersson
Researchers: Lina Isacs, Lise Janssens, Tom Kuppens, Johan Öhman, Leif Östman