Mission Eco Humans

After  6  years  of  commitment  to  the  Ecological  and  Social Transformation in France, with an expertise in pedagogy of change, strong strategic skills and experience in launching significative local and national initiatives, Léna has created Mission Eco Humans. 
If you are a company, a public service, an association, or a higher education  institution,  Mission  Eco  Humans  offers  you  actionable trainings, strategic consulting services and conferences :  
• Actionable  trainings :  enabling  your  stakeholders  to understand the issues and to move straight on to practical action via an action plan, applied to your organisation on various  subjects  (climate,  biodiversity,  mobility,  food, responsible digital, etc.). I'm a professional facilitator for the “Fresque du Climat” (Climate Fresk) and a dozen other workshops. 
• Strategic consulting : developing a strategic roadmap for reducing  your  organisation's  negative  impacts  and maximizing the positive ones. I am certified in the Bilan Carbone  ®,  a  carbon  footprint  assessment  method  that also accompanies organisations on their transition plan. I can also help you develop a more systemic approach, via Donut tools,  to help  you reshape your strategy  towards more regeneration & distribution ! 
• Conferences and events facilitation :  I’m a co-author of a book “Basculons dans un monde vi(v)able”. I regularly give speeches  about  topics  like  “How  to  act",  “How  to  get 
motivated and project yourself in a desirable future”. It’s a short way of reaching a wide audience and getting your various stakeholders on board! 
Léna has already trained and accompanied impactfully more than 1000 persons among more than 20 different entities. Whatever her activities, one constant prevails : Léna's enthusiastic and communicative energy that will make you want to act!

Public Declaration

We affirm that that our vision, values, and ways of working are aligned with those of Doughnut Economics.

View our public declaration

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