DEAL Community Map
An interactive map to show where DEAL Community members are located.

Update: This feature is now live at doughnuteconomics.org/map 🎉
You can find the original feature proposal in the next section, and if you have ideas for improvements please do leave a comment below.
Ideas for further improvements
You can find the original feature proposal in the next section, and if you have ideas for improvements please do leave a comment below.
Ideas for further improvements
- Display Local Groups & Networks on the map
- Optionally show old/expired events on the map
- Have another suggestion? Please leave a comment below!
Finding and connecting with local members and initiatives is a key feature of the DEAL Community Platform. However, current tools for doing so - such as searching for location names via the members directory - are limited and not as intuitive as they could be.
What is the essence of this proposal?
An interactive map of members (and community content) based in specific geographic locations. This might include features such as:
- Show members who have added a location to their profile (opt-in)
- Display member's profile picture with a link to their profile
- Display stories and events based in specific locations
- Combine items into "clusters” when zoomed out (see example here)
- Enable filtering by keyword (if map is embedded, use existing search box if any)
- Enable different layers (members, stories, upcoming events) to be toggled on or off (see example here)
- Embed map on different pages with relevant layers toggled by default (e.g. only enable 'Events' on the events page at first)
- When embedded, respect active page filters and search terms if applicable
- Buttons to zoom in and out (as well as support for scrolling)
- Display local groups and networks (if we added this it would likely be in a second version, pending wider local groups exploration)
Here is a very preliminary mock-up of what some of these features might look like in action:
What are the potential benefits?
The DEAL Team has received a lot of feedback about members wanting to connect with others in their local area but being unable to do so easily on the platform. A map has been suggested several times as a more intuitive way of presenting this information.
Who would benefit from this?
A map would be useful for anyone looking to find and connect with members or initiatives in their local area. New users may find it particularly grounding and a useful entry point to the ever-growing number of members and content pieces on the platform.
Open Questions
- Should local groups & networks be shown on the map? (⚠ pending wider local groups exploration)
- Should stories and events with locations be shown on the map?
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