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Browsing 5 search results
Catherine Fisher
Brighton and Hove, England, United Kingdom
I am an independent consultant, working to design and facilitate learning and strategy processes with people working for social change, whether that's activists, researchers, people working in service delivery, NGOs, governments, or foundations. I work internationally, with a focus on climate change and an increasing emphasis on systems approaches. Out of work, I am an activist, a school governor, a parent, a sea swimmer and a proud resident of Brighton and Hove in the UK. I want to work more in my local community and see DEAL as a way of combining professional experience with my passion for helping Brighton deliver on its climate and social justice commitments. In my work, I use a range of tools and approaches to help people think deeply and strategically about their work and to catalyse change. I love using drawing and play to help explore the big stuff and bring in systems perspectives. I work across sectors, spanning boundaries and sharing insights and approaches between them. Recent qualifications that seem relevant here: Circularity Thinking: Train the trainer from Climate KIC, I am trained in facilitation processes to support businesses and organisations to think through how they shift toward being more circular. Spark: Systems Facilitation, from the School of Systems Change, course exploring the role and practice of facilitation in systems change. Lewis Deep Democracy - approach to leaning into and working effectively with conflict and disagreement. For more info, check out my linked in. Look forward to connecting with some inspiring people!
Ian Goh
Penang, Malaysia
Hello there. I wear many hats, worked on various roles and have a lot of interests! Some few hats that are in the spirit of DEAL: - decentralised : I have experience in facilitating processes in the spirit of , a and governance framework used by around the world. - philosophical : basically using various enquiry techniques to evoke philosophical points of discussion. - wiki-building : currently working on a passion project that serves to curate human skills, tools and frameworks (like this one but more towards understanding our shared humanity) that would serve as a knowledge so that people (with an internet connection) can use these tools for personal and collective flourishing.
Dennis Britton
San Jose, California
I currently work as a business coach, helping teams and organizations become more adaptive. I've also co-founded and nurtured a meetup group to grow to more than 3000 individuals. I'm interested in fostering Land Based Community employment options. What value exchange options arise from taking a regenerative approach rather than an extractive approach with both land and people? What would it take to attract and guide people to deep prosperity? #regeneration, #permaculture , #cohousing, , #games,
jane ball
I am a Professional Dialogue practitioner. My work addresses the counterproductive or destructive behaviour that results from people thinking about themselves as separate from others around them, replacing this with decision-making that takes others into account. For more than 20 years I've run a small consultancy working with organisations to enable them to become effective, healthy, and generative places to work. This looks like, for example, sustainable change to culture, addressing systemic bullying, union-management conflict, raising the voice of ethics professionals in a business, improving the way organisations work together for mutual benefit along a value chain or for the benefit of their shared clients in a social system, breaking down departmental silos, coaching people to be better leaders, etc, etc. I help structures to work as living systems. My work sustains change because it changes the way people think and creates a common understanding that enables decisions to be made for the benefit of everyone. Without changing the way people think solutions are temporary fixes only to be monitored and enforced. I am a founder and Director of Dialogue Associates established in 2003 and founder and trustee of the Academy of Professional Dialogue I am also chair of the governing board of a large secondary school. My clients have included commercial, public sector, and non-governmental organisations across a range of sectors, from energy and finance to public audit and prisons, and multi-stakeholder systems in, for example, criminal justice and migration and development. I have created a practice model and a curriculum for Professional Dialogue practitioners that helps to sustain Dialogue in a system and run educational programmes. I am looking for opportunities to bring this radical approach to help communities to thrive.
Kevin McLean
Hackney, Greater London, England, United Kingdom
I am a researcher, facilitator and photographer (street, candid, informal portraits), keen to learn more about DEAL and find out how I can contribute locally eg anyone want some photos of your work, project, place, people ...?