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Ana Celina Tiburcio
I am Brazilian and I live in the Atlantic Forest in the Southeast region of the country, in Vale do Paraíba - between Serra da Mantiqueira and Serra do Mar. I have been a sustainabilityist for 20 years and I have been working with communication and socio-environmental education since then. Regeneration, nature, forests, conservation, climate, communication, humanism, socialtechnology are some of the topics that interest me. A few years ago, I was very interested when I found out about the book Donut Economy and bought it to learn more about this dimension of sustainability. I recently found the Donut Brasil whatsapp group and joined in early 2022, when I had the opportunity to participate in the Reading Club to study the book's chapters and, since then, I've been learning, unlearning, exchanging and getting inspired about the thoughts, doings and relevant local and planetary issues that lead us to distributive and regenerative economies...
Caty Batten
Hi everyone! I'm Caty, co founder at Intaconnected. Since my time working with Oxfam I have been curious and admiring of Doughnut Economics and today I feel lucky to have chosen a career journey/purpose that is constantly learning and creating new ways to incentivise and mobilise business and finance towards transformational business models that will accelerate our collective journey to a Net Positive future. It is fun to keep learning and testing different ways to translate regenerative economics and frameworks like the Doughnut into practical solutions for organisations - to upskill businesses and provide clear pathways at each step along the journey to a safe, just and equitable future. We don't have much time left, so it is a thrill to be able to join this inspiring community and I hope to contribute my part in disseminating this amazing theory into practice thanks to your brilliant tools and techniques. I look forward to learning with and form you all! #regenerativebusiness #safefuture #planetaryboundaries `#humanity #biodiversity
Madrid, Spain
Researcher on doughnut economy and agri-food systems. Nature-based education practitioner, connecting learning to a specific place and relationship with the environment. Rethinking the place of humans in the web of life...! Un ‘Retrato de Ciudad’ dentro del dónut – Otras miradas | Público
Chris Beck
Stefano Bressan
Hi! I am a graphic designer based in Nuremberg, Germany. I'd love to be part of creative projects aimed to empower people and support happier lives for everybody. I think today we have enough tools to actively improve the world starting from our surroundings, and even quickly. Words are not enough, I want to be part of something tangible.
Shalena Allen
Morrisville, NC (RTP)
Hello! I found my way to the DEAL community after Googling "must-read books on . My Google search was inspired by my desire to do something beyond the scope of the Holistic certification I recently earned. I desperately desire to help fix a broken system rather than help others navigate and survive one. As a critical thinker, puzzle lover, and management enthusiast—reading Doughnut made me excited about finally having a framework that made saving the world more than just a fanciful dream. Having been in the service and marketing industry for much of my professional life—I've always been conflicted by my love for wonderfully made and curated things and what it took for those things to come to be. While I am great at connecting people and dots—I am currently looking into Environmental Studies undergraduate degrees and possibly an MPA or other advanced degree that will make me even more useful to this cause. I am particularly interested in , , and . I'm itching to start, but I don't know exactly where and how. I'm hoping joining this community will help me find where I fit and can best contribute! A balance of being outside in and combing through would be ideal.
karen wilson
byron bay
Maurice Gielen
Crassier, Vaud, Switzerland
Senior Mechanical Engineer, experienced in the industry of machinery/equipment.