Appreciating Nature, Humanity & Earth (Past)
Connecting Appreciative Inquiry & Doughnut Economics for Nature, Humanity & Earth

Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.
- This monthly group is for people interested in learning and exploring the practice of Appreciative Inquiry for Doughnut Economics.
- We are a colearning space to explore how Appreciative Inquiry can be used to support nature, humanity and planet Earth.
- As very few people will benefit from colonizing Mars, we seek to create a Protopian Earth, doing what we can locally, nationally and globally to create a sustainable, flourishing planet Earth, appreciative of nature.
- We meet the second Sunday of the month, 12 PM E.S.T.
- All are welcome to join us.
- Register once for all monthly meetings and you will receive the link to the meeting.
- You can see the document we will begin to develop together.
Sanford Hinden
Dix Hills, New York, United States of America
I provide programs for: • Education for wisdom and wellbeing https://wisocracy.world/ • Peace and the environment https://mutuallyassuredsurvival.world/ • Personal, relationship and social-global development https://wisocracy.world/development-programs
Yuma Langenbach
Akihiro Hikita
Yokohama, Japan
Worked for Fuji Bank (currently Mizuho Bank) after graduating from Sophia University with a degree in Economics. He went to Shanghai to study Chinese abroad, then left Shanghai for Tibet, India, Nepal, and Thai with 6 companions of different nationalities for 4 months as a backpacker. In Nepal, he broke the Annapurna Circuit, which was the starting point for his engaging in international business. In 2003, he became a country manager of Datastream Systems, a Nasdaq-listed company acquired by Infor Global, implementing EAM (= Enterprise Asset Management System) in 3 refineries of Showa Shell and other multiple sites in the process industry. In 2019, he joined a StartupBootCamp Osaka program held by Rainmaking Innovation as an Innovation Partner. There, he facilitated 20 POCs between 13 startups from 11 countries and 7 Japanese large corporations. In March 2021, he became CEO of Global DX Inc., and is supporting the establishment of a global ecosystem and venture building through it.
Jovita Rodrigues
Sancoale Goa, India
I studied political science and economic, and practiced law . Now an Executive and Life Coach, interested in bringing transformation in my community and state, through this platform. To empower the youth to be more creative in the the way they want to live within the community and the world, so that they can bring about healthy changes in the environment.