BRAZIL - Doughnut Economy ONLINE (Past)
Vamos discutir como podemos aplicar Economia Donut no Brasil. O que cada um de nós pode fazer.

Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.
Tragam suas bebidas!!
Vamos discutir como podemos aplicar Economia Donut no Brasil.
Se apresentar, trocar experiências e ver o que cada um de nós pode fazer.
Brasil é um país grande e está enfrentando várias dificuldades.
Encontro será online. Link do Zoom: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/77871927435?pwd=eGZudUc1RUE0czJRWEUxd0dwd2hUUT09
Quem tiver interesse, me avisa que te passo a senha da reunião.
It's an informal event.
Bring your drinks
Let's discuss how we can apply Donut Economics in Brazil.
Introduce yourself and we can see what each of us can do.
Brazil is a large country and is facing several difficulties.
Meeting will be online. Zoom's link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/77871927435?pwd=eGZudUc1RUE0czJRWEUxd0dwd2hUUT09
Whoever is interested, let me know that I'll give you the meeting password.
Derek von Behr
Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brasil
Architect, urban planner and landscaper
Pablo Bezerra
São Paulo, Brasil
Nihal Ashok
Delft, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands
I am a recent graduate of TU Delft. I completed my masters in management of technology!
Daniela Costa
Helena Grundig
São Paulo
I'm a Civic entrepreneur for Socioeconomic sustainability, Public Policy Master (Governance, leverage institutions capacities and economic development), Urbanist and have more than 12 years experience in private, public and third sectors leading programs, projects and public policies focused on territorial and socioeconomic sustainable development. I'm a think-and-do person, bridge builder cross sector between private initiative, public sector and social organizations.
Fabio Borges
Lisbon, Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, Portugal
I am an entrepreneur and business advisor engaged in building a more conscious and responsible way of living on the planet. Connecting the inner call for self-transformation to the outer world urgency for new perspectives and actions. After many years working for big corporations, I started my journey as entrepreneur back in 2007. I have been building and leading businesses, teams and projects since then. I also have been acting as board member, advisor and angel investor for startups across different sectors and for non-profit organizations in Brazil, Canada and Europe. My current focus is to help entrepreneurs applying regenerative development principles & practices in their businesses.
Roberto Almeida
Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil
I am a medical doctor with a focus on transdisciplinary partnerships for promoting planetary health. The critical factor is healthy people promoting a healthy economy.
Andrea Senna
Mariana, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Tatiana Casarotto