Bring den Doughnut nach Berlin - Auftaktworkshop (Past)
Bring den Doughnut nach Berlin - Auftaktworkshop mit einem Input von Jen Drouin, Amsterdam Donut Coalitie

Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.
Am Mittwoch, den 30.9.2020
Von 16.00-18.00 Uhr
Im bUm, Wintergarten, Paul-Lincke-Ufer 21, 10999 Berlin
Achtung: Die Teilnahme ist aufgrund der Räumlichkeiten begrenzt und nur möglich nach vorheriger Anmeldung per Mail an nicole.hartmann@wechange.de
Nicole Hartmann, Patrick Léon Gross
2. kurze Vorstellungsrunde: wer ist da, Kontext, Motivation: warum bist du heute hier?
3. Die Amsterdam Donut Coalitie: Wie funktioniert sie, welche Projekte werden verfolgt, was hat gut und was weniger gut funktioniert? (engl.)
Keynote: Jen Drouin, Moderation: Kate Goodwin
4. Q&A (engl.)
Moderation: Kate Goodwin, Nicole Hartmann
5 Wie kommt der Doughnut nach Berlin? Ideation / Co-Creation
6. Wie geht es weiter?
Gemeinsame Überlegungen zur Weiterarbeit und nächste Schritte
Anschließend Ausklang bei einem Getränk am Ufer
Image by A.Savin (Wikimedia Commons · WikiPhotoSpace) - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=30385316
Ludwig Schuster
Berlin, Deutschland
Jennifer Drouin
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands
I am a purpose-driven and strategic movement maker, presenter and public speaker with a hands-on approach to production. Drawing from my 8+ years of international experience in community building, storytelling, and event & content production, I thrive on connecting people and driving positive change. With a background in communication science, international relations, yoga, mindfulness, permaculture design and regenerative leadership, my mission is to rekindle the connection between people and nature. In 2019 I co-created the Amsterdam Doughnut Coalition, a grassroots movement consisting of more than 1000 people in Amsterdam who are actively applying the principles of the doughnut economy. The impact of this initiative resonated globally, leading me to speak at numerous influential conferences, ranging from Berlin to Tokyo. My insights of the doughnut economy were featured in interviews with TIME Magazine and I had the privilege to deliver a TEDx talk about a regenerative future. Finally, I founded an international community, encompassing 30+ cities worldwide, to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration in driving the adoption of the doughnut economy. Let's connect and create a regenerative future together! Watch and read about my work in the following media: TEDx talk TIME Magazine SKY NEWS YES Magazine De Standaard La Liberation
Désiré Leijs
Abcoude, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Builder of digital platforms for the common good. Co-founder of Groundforce Studio and Sumowala.com
Nadim Choucair
Berlin, Germany
If we're having a conversation while walking down the street and someone on a vintage bicycle passed us, you might have to repeat what you said - unless it's about Lebanese Cuisine or Montreal Bagels. I'm Born & raised in Beirut, turned engineer in Montreal, then went for a dual MBA / MA in Diplomacy in Madrid & Boston - and ended up in Berlin trying to make sense of it all with one motto: Curiosity that matters.
Coral Ruz
Berlín, Berlin, Alemania
I am the founder of Zero Waste Berlin Festival, the firs international event in Berlin focused on Zero Waste, Circularity and Sustainability.
Léon Gross
Berlin, Deutschland
As the co-initiator of Donut Berlin, I am passionate about co-creating regenerative and redistributive cities, and bringing Berlin into the Doughnut of social and planetary boundaries. I am a polymath, I love learning across the fields of systems thinking, human development, technology management, and sustainable business, and connecting ideas in ways that create long-term value for people and the environment. My experience as a scholar, speaker, founder, author, lecturer, consultant, and community manager has taken me to 30+ countries and reinforced my commitment to collaboration across national, cultural, and geographical divides. I'm currently looking for opportunities to share, spread, co-create, co-develop, and manifest Donut Berlin, and I am always happy to connect with inspiring people, so let's chat!
Nicole Hartmann
Berlin, Deutschland
I am a possibilist with wide open senses for connections and constellations. I have a huge curiosity to learn and I love to share and transmit my learnings. I am a sustainabilist who turned her long term private concern for sustaining global and local ecosystems and social justice into political climate activism in 2019. Convinced of the benefits of systems thinking I am enthusiastic about the Doughnut Economy as a role model and communication tool for the social-ecological transformation we need. I was lucky to meet a couple of likeminded Doughnauts to embark on the exciting journey to start the Donut Berlin Initiative. Let's did it, Berlin!