Circle of Creatives for Earth & Doughnut Economics (Past)

Doughnut Economics can sustainable Earth. Let us sustain our wellness while working for Earth and humanity.

  • First Sunday of each month, 12 noon EST on Zoom. 
  • A monthly support group for people who love Earth and care deeply about humanity and future generations.   

  • Acknowledge your Earth grief, heal your heart, nurture your vision and creative imagination, and have some fun. :)  

  • Create a practice to feel inner-peace, love, happiness and good humor, while working  for justice and sustainability.   

  • Join this monthly check-in for Global Transformationalists supporting Doughnut Economics. 

  • Tell friends and colleagues of this healing and nurturing Circle of Creatives for Earth  with Sandy Hinden, author of the free Guidebook for Person & Planet.

  • You can register here for this Zoom meeting.





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