Creando la coalición de la dona en la CDMX - Por los 200 años,¡Viva México! (Past)
Evento introductorio para explicar la economía de la dona, y crear propuesta inicial conjunta para nuestra coalición.

Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.

¿Qué queremos hacer?
Aprovechando nuestra mirada al pasado por los 200 años desde nuestra Independencia de México, queremos buscar qué podemos hacer ahora para crear el futuro que queremos.
Fecha: 30 de septiembre del 2021.
Personas interesadas en contribuir para llevar a la Ciudad de México hacia una transición sustentable:
Pueden también checar la información sobre la dona en los enlaces abajo:

What do we want to do?
Now that it’s time to look into our past due to our 200 years celebration of our Independence Day, we would also like to see beyond to create the future we want.
Time : 1 p.m. (13h Mexico City’s time)
Just your interest and/or curiosity.
If you want, you can start checking the Doughnut Economic informational pages in the links below:
Eva Marina Valencia Leñero
Mexico City, Mexico
| Sustainability Transitions Specialist | Co-Founder of Mexico City's Doughnut Economic Coalition + Scaling Coordinator in CIMMYT-CGIAR After finishing my MSc in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management in Lund University with a thesis to downscale the doughnut for Mexico City's water policies, I learned research was not enough to make a change. For this reason, I have co-founded the Tricolor Coalition (Mexico City's Doughnut Economic Coalition) to collaborate with other agents of change to promote sustainability transitions in Mexico City. We are now developing community, informative, and capacity building activities to support Mexico City's agents of change interested in promoting this transition. I am currently also working as a Scaling Coordinator in the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center. In my job, I continue to learn about systems thinking approaches, and about what types of food innovations could be scaled (why? and where?) to create more impact. Moreover, I also have experience in international and national public administrations, and I have specialized in the water-food-energy sectors and climate change challenges.
Karla González
Ciudad de México, Estado de México, México
Hi! My name is Karla, I am Mechatronics Engineer studying for a second Bachelor's in Economics and a Master's in Energy. Since I was studying in university I realized the importance of implementing sustainable development in our current society and the immediate urgency to work for fulfilling the Paris Agreement. Therefore, I created a youtube channel focus on sustainable teaching as well as working for the energy transition to renewables systems and the boost of doughnut economics.
Michel Nader Sayun
Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
I am a person that loves movement and contributing to improve situations wherever I am. Since 2013 I worked on research, consulting and on the ground projects on waste, sustainability and circularity. I'm intrigued and ready to explore the doughnut's mindset to move towards more holistic and inclusive societies.
Jorge Arturo Zubieta Calvert
Mexico City
World Citizen, Food Forester, Community Organizer, Coach, Musician, Possibilities Explorer