Creative Circle (#6) - "Community Healing Circle" (Past)

We support each other and co-create strategies to help humanity evolve through Doughnut Economics.

Welcome to the Creative Circle ❤️

·  We come together on the first Sunday of each month, 12 noon EST on Zoom. 
·  We are a monthly support group and global learning community.
·  We acknowledge our Earth grief, heal our hearts, nurture our vision and our creative imagination.
·  We create a practice to feel inner-peace, love, happiness and good humor, while working for justice and sustainability.
·  We collaborate and co-create. Your facilitators for the meeting on 5th December are Sanford Hinden (Long Island) and Aman Walia (Amsterdam).

In the Creative Circle, we welcome everyone - and every part of everyone. Together, we have already been able to create valuable insights over the past five months. In the process of co-creating this safe-space, the Creative Circle has come to acknowledge the curious value of a shared and regenerative culture. 
In 6th gathering of the Creative Circle, we open a space and invite you to accompany us to check-in with each other and share our Earth grief. We remind ourselves that we are not alone, and recharge & receive energy to carry into the rest of the month.
"Community Healing Circle" 
Sunday, 05. December 2021, 12:00 – 13:30 (EST)
12:00 – 12:10h            Arrival & Meditation
up to 5 min each      First Pass
                                        - Personal check-in
                                        - How am I feeling?
                                        - What’s going on in your world that you would like to share?

up to 5 min each       Second Pass (Community Healing Circle) 
                                        - Sharing our earth grief
                                        - Exploring that we are not alone with our emotions
                                        - Aid: How does climate change make me feel?
13:20 – 13:30h            Check Out
Please feel free to join in accordance with your capacity and availability. For this, one can register with the link above and we'll be in touch 🙏
If you are not able to join this time, that is no problem and one can easily join the next time!

Regenerative Cultures Inspiration 

Love and peace,
Sandy & Aman




    1 comment
    Aman Walia about 3 years ago

    Link for spontaneous joiners!

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