Doughnut Cities within a History of Urban Design (Past)
A participatory Workshop Journey through the Past, Present, and Future of Circular Models in Urban Design

Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.
"We invite every visionary 21st century city to ask itself this question: How can your city become a home to thriving people in a thriving place while respecting the wellbeing of all people and the health of the whole planet?" - Kate Raworth, 2020
Sofia Greaves (PROSPERA, University of Vigo) & Patrick Léon Gross (Donut Berlin & Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Léon co-initiated Donut Berlin as a think-and-do tank in the spirit of collaborative urban activism. He studied earth system science, philosophy, and economics in Europe and the US, always curious about the complex ways in which people understand, relate to, and resist planetary breakdown. Grounding his work in principles of care, craft, and creativity, his experience includes roles as an academic, speaker, founder, journalist, lecturer, consultant, and community organizer. As a Deloitte and SAP SE fellow, he currently holds a position as a visiting fellow at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, where he researches urban sustainability transitions beyond capitalism.
Felipe Schmidt Fonseca
Berlim, Berlin, Alemanha
I am Felipe Fonseca, a Brazilian activist and free/open advocate turned researcher, working on the OpenDoTT project and living currently in Berlin, Germany. In the last fifteen years I was a co-founder and leader of a number of community and networking initiatives dedicated to critical thinking (and making) in the crossroads between culture, science, technology and society. Some examples are Tropixel, MetaReciclagem, CulturaDigital.BR, Bricolabs, Rede//Labs, Lixo Eletrônico, Ciência Aberta Ubatuba, UbaLab. I was the user community manager of the Subutai Platform. I have an MA in Science Diffusion from Labjor at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in Brazil, acquired with a dissertation about networked experimental labs.
Leonora Grcheva
City of London, England, United Kingdom
Cities and Regions Lead at DEAL. Urban planner, researcher, participation practitioner. Macedonian living in London.
Merav Cohen
Haifa, מחוז חיפה, Israel
Co-founder of the Israel Doughnut Community (and within it the TLV Doughnut Coalition, aimed to implement Doughnut principles in the city of Tel Aviv-Yafo); Corporate attorney turned environmental policy professional, now researching socio-ecological resilience at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. Israeli and Romanian nationalities. Speak native level Hebrew and English, some French, some Chinese. https://www.ildoughnutcommunity.org/
stan curtis
Portland, Oregon, United States of America
leader of IBM SmartCIties research... incubating EcoDistricts in Metro/Portland with Cascadia partners. active with OPEN standards helping NIST incubate their Global Cities Team Challenge ...kit-by-kit, vendor-by-vendor...an OpenCommons?
stan Curtis