Doughnut Economics Community of Practice (Past)
This Community of Practice will explore how to build internal buy-in for DE, sharing good practice and ideas.
Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.
Doughnut Economics is rapidly gaining momentum across the world, with governments, businesses, communities and more exploring how to apply the principles in practice. The work of the Doughnut Economics Action Lab has created a wealth of resources and support for operationalising the model, and encouraging practitioners to learn from each other.
A key barrier has been identified by many organisations hoping to bring Doughnut Economics into their work and mission – how to secure internal buy-in for the transformation required?
This Community of Practice will explore this question, learning from those who have started the process, and sharing good practice and peer support.
The CoP will be open to any group, organisation and individual facing this same challenge.
We will aim to meet approximately every two months, and will meet online via Zoom. Meetings will be in English, and during working hours for UTC/UK time, but members from all across the world are very welcome.
Our first meeting is scheduled for 20 July 2023. If you are interested in joining, please let us know by emailing Peter at gfn@exeter.ac.uk.
The Green Futures Network is an initiative run by the University of Exeter to increase access to climate research and resources. We run various Communities of Practice from climate adaptation to Scope 3 carbon emissions. Find out more at gfn.exeter.ac.uk.
Peter Lefort
Cornwall, UK
Part of the
Anna-Marie Swan
Exeter, UK
Hello! I'm Anna-Marie, an organisational ecologist and embodied facilitator. I currently describe my work as being that of an organisational ecologist and embodied facilitator. After authoring the reimagined story of ecological organisations and the accompanying Ecological Organisations Framework in 2023, released under creative commons, a whole new world has opened up that I'm loving exploring: organisations as edge-less, of relationship, deeply relational, and firmly entangled in social systems, ecosystems, and planetary health. To evolve that work, I founded the Patreon-hosted Ecological Organisations Constellation. Here, we gather around the story of ecological organisations and look to mature it, ground it, evolve our understanding of it and relationship with it, and bring those learnings into wider commons. It's becoming a container for practical, lived experimentation, then integrating our discoveries into our individual and shared work. I write about my work and other things in the substack Cellular Rearranging and host and produce the podcast Generative Worlding. I initiated the first season of Facilitation Pods, now continuing as a commons under co-stewardship. In the pods, we are co-crafting an intimate space for self- and shared-enquiry about facilitation and how we change and are changed by the role, a space that's also become a peer supervision investigating our experiences.
Philippa Mina
Marie-Anne Bernasconi
Nice, France
Hi! I'm a coach in interpersonal communication and leadership, a design thinking facilitator for sustainable innovations and a TEDx speaker. I have helped a diversity of clients to impulse ecological change within organisations: in the last decades, I have facilitated boot camps with intrapreneurs, collaborative management with NGOs, co-creation sessions with French government agencies and taught entrepreneurship at business schools. When I discovered Doughnut Design for Business, I was amazed at how it was designed to spread and how efficient it could be to sow seeds of hope and possibilities worldwide.
Jayesh Pajwani
Founder & Managing Principal of Consulting Nirmana, a versatile, adaptive, senior leader focussed on Embedding Sustainability in Business, Supply Chain & overall Enterprise leveraging 4 decades of combined Business & Digital Transformation experience in SAP-led enterprise transformations, Blue-Yonder led supply chain transformations, and Strategic priorities-led business transformations (Sales Performance, Operating Model, Scaling Startups, etc.) as C-Level & BU, P&L Leader. Keen to network, interact, and exchange notes with all of you on sustainability-led transformations. Connect with me on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jayeshpajwani/ Follow Consulting Nirmana on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/consultingnirmana/?viewAsMember=true
Ines Garcia
Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom
Agile & Climate Coach | Circular Economy professional (Cambridge) | Biomimicry Practitioner Author tiny.cc/authorinesgarcia Salesforce MVP Hall of Fame @ getagile.co.uk www.inesgarcia.me
Adhitya Rahmana
Luis Palicio
Leeds (UK) / Oviedo (Spain)
I'm a 37 years old food safety expert from Spain but living in the UK for the last decade. Our current model is unsustainable and that's we need to use frameworks like Doughnut economics to reshape our local communities and way of living. I have experience in food manufacturing and involvement of civil society and community work.
Mandi Bissett
Olya K-Mehri