Doughnut economics toolbox launch for Finnish municipalities (Past)

Doughnut Economics toolbox supporting ecologically and socially sustainable municipalities and regions

Welcome to the launch webinar of 'Doughnut Economics Toolbox' to learn and discuss how to advance ecological and social sustainability in cities and regions.

Doughnut Economics

Doughnut economics offers us a vision of an economy where the ecological planetary boundaries have been interconnected with the United Nations sustainable development goals. Doughnut economics was introduced by the economist Kate Raworth in her book Doughnut Economics – 7 ways to think like a 21st-Century economist.

The idea of Doughnut Economics has been developed into tools to be applied at the local level. Local level application has been piloted around the world in numerous cities. In Finland the council of Tampere region has analysed the current state of sustainable development in their area using Doughnut Economics tools.

The Launch Webinar of Doughnut Economics Toolbox

The toolbox is made for Finnish municipalities and regions, or anyone interested in sustainability in the local level.

The first half of the launch webinar will be in English. Cities and regions lead Leonora Grcheva from the international Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL) will guide us through the basics of Doughnut Economics and its local applications in cities around the world. Then, Matleena Käppi from Doughnut Economics of Finland –project will reveal the main results of Doughnut Economics of Finland -project. The latter part of the event is held in Finnish.

Participate on-site or via  Zoom Webinar

The launch event of the Dougnut Economics Toolbox will be held at the University of Jyväskylä's (Jyväskylä, Finland) Lähde Library's Tietoniekka room and as a live webinar at Zoom on Tuesday 7.6.2022 at 15-16.30 (GMT +2). After the event, you can stay to enjoy a toast for the end of the project, and to network with the participants and the organizers of the event.





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