EA NYC Reading Group: Doughnut Economics (Past)

This month Effective Altruism NYC will be reading Doughnut Economics by Kate Raworth.

Our third Reading Group discussion will be happening at 7pm on Monday, November 30th.

This month we'll be reading Doughnut Economics by Kate Raworth. The book illustrates the many difficulties of growing the global economy and lifting people out of poverty without putting us on the path towards irrecoverable ecological collapse.

Zoom link will be shared before the event. Click here to RSVP on the Facebook event page.

See also EA NYC's harassment policy - we are committed to the safety and well-being of our members: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xkaNXGFrhdahuCJXiKXWGrmtjRe_uGhEgm1AEcJ5X9c/


What is EA NYC?

Effective Altruism New York City is the main hub for the EA community in The Big Apple. We host lots of events with amazing speakers from around the world who join us to talk about their work fighting poverty, reducing the suffering of animals, safeguarding the long-term future, and much more. We also curate a job board that helps New Yorkers find meaningful career opportunities in the area, and we encourage each other to always think about the ways we can positively impact society. Our goal is to ensure that every member of the EA NYC community feels empowered to do the most good they can. You can reach out to us at info@effectivealtruism.nyc 





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