Greenest window competition 2024 (Past)
This is a photo competition of the greenest window. Contribution to CO2 reduction by growing indoor plant!

Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.
The Doughnut Economy model shows us that the main problem we have in the Scandinavian countries is that we are overshooting the planetary boundaries by emitting too much CO2. Especially now when it is getting darker and the leaves have fallen from the trees, much less CO2 is taken up by plants through photo synthesis. But there is one niche which could be explored much better and that is the indoor space. Be a contributor and take part in the competition of the greenest window!
Upload a photo of your green window in the Facebook group 'Plant a Plant for Planet' in the comments under this post.
Tell us your story about it!
The winner will be announced the 5th of Jan 2025.
The winner of this competition is:
Alexander Svarre
I am a 16-year-old who enjoys cooking and baking. As part of a generation concerned about our planet's future, I choose to take action rather than place blame. One of the small steps I take is growing my own herbs instead of buying them at the store. I understand that the amount of CO2 they absorb is minimal, but I nurture my basil, thyme, and mint with optimism. I see them as my humble contribution to a greener tomorrow—a future filled with promise. Here is my little window of hope. My greenest window.
Dear Alexander,
We have selected you as the winner of this photo competition as you had a really nice photo in combination with a god story. Excellent to take the opportunity to also cultivate plants that you can eat and even though this is a small contribution for one person it would be substantial if many people did the same. Congratulation! The contributions can be found here: