International Forum for Well-Being (Past)

The forum's objective: going one step further to initiate systemic transformation!



In 2018, the International Forum for Well-Being “Wealth, happiness, what indicators to build tomorrow ?” brought together for 3 days more than 1,000 participants from 25 different countries around the question of a new “compass” of society. A first in Europe! Testimonies from all over the world have made more visible and concrete a vision of development based on well-being, and no longer on purely economic considerations. Building on this, Grenoble will host the second edition of the International Forum for Well-Being in June 2022, going one step further to initiate a systemic transformation. This event is part of the Grenoble European Green Capital 2022 program.

This forum is the result of a collaboration between local authorities (Grenoble-Alpes Métropole and the city of Grenoble), members of Grenoble universities (Université Grenoble Alpes and the Economic Peace Chair of GEM) and civil society with CCFD-Terre Solidaire and the FAIR collective (Forum for other wealth indicators).

In relation with Doughnuts Economics, the aims are:
1. to accelerate the transition towards a new compass
2. to translate well-being into action and indicators, between the environmental ceiling and the social foundation
3. Support, develop and nurture the actors of change community

Whether you’re an elected representative, a technician, a researcher, an actor from the civil society or from the business sector, or a “mere” citizen, your contribution matters to us! We need all sorts of contributions to “make the shift”.

The call:

What are the different areas of ocus of the International Forum for Well Being ? 
  • The challenge of a society that is “rich for everyone and rich of everyone”: fighting inequality and building a “social foundation”
  • The change of model challenge : reducing our footprint and maintaining an “environmental ceiling”
  • The political and democratic challenge : staying the course of well being

Grenoble Alpes University
621 avenue Centrale
38400 Saint-Martin-d'Hères

Start: June 29, 2022 - 9am
End: July 1st, 2022 - 9pm

If you have any question regarding the call for proposals or the forum in general, please do not hesitate to contact !




    Fiona Ottaviani

    Grenoble, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

    I hope sharing with others members about the operationnalization of doughnuts economics.

    Cat Ho

    Beijing, 北京市, People's Republic of China

    I believe in the Doughnut and a reimagination of how our world can and should work.

    Laura Hanowski

    Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland

    21 years on earth and willing to learn, think, try, fail, re-learn and re-think.

    Isabel Guerrero Umaña

    Hamburgo, Hamburg, Alemania

    I'm in favor of any change that involves hard work because it means that people are striving to improve.

    Aart Bos

    Utrecht, Nederland

    i want to learn , share and scale

    Natascha McIntyre Hall

    United Kingdom

    i spoke on a podcast with Kate Raworth about implementing Doughnut Economics into large scale regeneration and developments

    Elena Vallianatou-Voutsina

    Athens, Greece

    I'm fully engaged with the idea of educating societies on environmental literature, through adult lifelong learning.

    LeAnn White

    Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America

    Creating sustainable natural resources can only be done through reshaping our economy and I want to be a part of this change.

    Fiona Ottaviani about 2 years ago

    For those who could come on site in Grenoble, think of registering:

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    Fiona Ottaviani about 2 years ago

    Come to the time dedicated to donuts "BEHIND THE PICTURE: 4 TERRITORIES TELL THEIR DONUT CONSTRUCTION STORY" on Thursday June 30th from 4:30 pm to 6 pm on the university campus of Grenoble (France).

    The donut diagram, invented by Kate Raworth, has a certain symbolic significance, making it possible to link the social and the environmental in a single representation.
    But to achieve this representation and to adapt it to the realities of each territory... there is work to be done!
    This workshop will open a dialogue between advanced experiences and others that are just starting out: Brussels and its famous , Geneva, the Valence-Romans agglomeration and the Grenoble metropolis. On the menu:
    technical issues: availability of data, choice of a single indicator to represent extremely complex dimensions, definition of the sustainability threshold...
    and more democratic and political questions: with whom is it built, discussed, how do we talk about what is inside the donut, what uses and by whom?
    In short, a dive into the black box of indicators.

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    Catia Arnaut about 2 years ago

    Will the event be streamed or made available online in any form?

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    Fiona Ottaviani about 2 years ago

    All links will be available on the program page on the day to follow the sessions live: The plenary sessions and the scientific symposium sessions will be accessible from a distance.

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    Fiona Ottaviani about 2 years ago

    The program is now available here:
    A French-English translation will be provided on the forum (plenary sessions, round tables, scientific symposiums).
    Come and join us!

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