Piʌot Project Listening Circle (Past)
Do you work with businesses on transformation? Join DEAL and the Piʌot Project to listen to the future as it emerges

Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.
The Piʌot Project is an emerging movement for people-powered regenerative transformation. It was inspired by the Doughnut Design for Business Toolkit and a question it prompted "How can we make the transformation of businesses less painful and problematic?"
In this circle we'll gesture towards some answers, as part of the Piʌot Project's Year of Listening.
Together, we will reflect on where we're going, whether it is possible for us to change direction and if so, where we see opportunities to put wind in the sails of everyone working on, or wishing for, regenerative transformation.
The circle is intended for practitioners working with businesses on regenerative change and transformation. Everyone who joins will contribute and participate in listening to the future as it emerges through us.
This is an invitation to get involved in both this gathering and over the longer term, if you wish, as part of a cohort of pro-activists collaborating to co-design, build and iterate prototypes that can nurture the more beautiful future we long for.
Piʌot aims to strike a balance of intentional action whilst avoiding perpetuating degenerative mindsets and structures - if you're stretching across this tension, we really need to hear from you!
The Circle will be hosted by Tim Frenneaux the Source of the Piʌot Project. Tim is a regenerative designer, rebel economist and longstanding contributor to the DEAL community.
As we reflect on our now and begin charting a path towards the future, we will cultivate Joanna Macy’s idea of Active Hope in a gathering structured around her Spiral That Reconnects practice.
This Listening Circle is one of many to be hosted with regenerative, sustainable and transformational networks as part of Piʌot’s Year of Listening, inspired by Bayo Akomolafe’s notion that “The times are urgent, we must slow down.”
Our extended period of listening will lay the foundations to shift into a collaborative co-design phase where we establish prototypes that begin to put people power behind regenerative business transformation. We intend to manifest and become our future, not just talk about it.
The Circle will begin with a short presentation on the Piʌot Project from Tim - to discover more in advance visit www.wepivot.today and sign up for our emails.
If you're joining us, please register for the event via our ticketing page not just here.
Be great to have you with us!
Tim Frenneaux
Leeds, England, United Kingdom
Hello! I'm currently working as Source for the Piʌot Project - the emergent people-powered movement for regenerative transformation. [Towards a more beautiful future] I'm also a regenerative business designer, a bookseller selling nature/travel/adventures books that help folk reconnect with themselves and the rest of the natural world, as well as a collaborator with the Leeds Doughnut Coalition. Before finding my wings in 2020 I was the Head of Policy at the York and North Yorkshire LEP where I developed England's first, and only, carbon-negative Local Industrial Strategy, integrated the UN SDG's into our decision making and project appraisal processes and pioneered the implementation of design thinking in the public sector. In my work now I'm investigating the role that we puny humans and our powerful businesses can play in nurturing a more beautiful future via a post-growth economy.
michele de oliveira
I am specialist in New Narratives that support the economic, environmental and social transition, with studies at Schumacher College (UK) and at Gaia Education. Besides studies in permaculture and mindfulness. For the last years, I have been working with projects in youth productivity inclusion and at the Climate Smart Institute building awareness to rural communities at the brazilian Cerrado.
Sarah Hoey