Join us in taking the first bite of the Sydney Doughnut
Right now, Sydney-siders are living through some of biggest economic disruption since the Great Depression. As we struggle through an extended lockdown, we are each facing our own unique challenges depending on where we live and the communities we belong to, yet there are two things we cannot afford to do without: hope and creativity.
Hope for our city to once more be a thriving place, home to thriving people, and the creativity to reimagine a better way.
So, how might we channel the gravity of this moment, to re-imagine our future story?
By taking a bite of the doughnut, of course!
About the event
Join us on Wednesday, 18th August, 6pm-8pm AEST (via Zoom) to:
- meet the Regen Syd community (70 people & growing)
- explore the incredible work already underway to create a thriving Sydney
- better understand the Doughnut & how to apply it
- contribute your ideas for catalysing the Regen movement across the city
- be the first to access the Regen Sydney Slack channel.
*Tickets are 'pay as you will' suggested $20*, places capped at 100.
Proceeds donated to
Weave Youth & Community Services
*Opening & closing sections of the event
will be recorded.
*Breakout room discussions will not be recorded.
What to bring:
- Your favourite doughnut (of course!)
- A cup of cheer
- A sense of adventure
- Willingness to contribute & meet others
- Ideas for a regenerative Sydney
Alice Howard-Vyse
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Based in Sydney. Convening Doughnut Coalition for the city. Seeking collaborators & peers from other cities to learn with / from