The Mutually Assured Survival Playbook (Past)

Mutually Assured Survival through Disarmament, Democracy & Doughnut Economics to invest in Human, Social & Earth’s Needs

As the world urgently seeks to find ways to avoid nuclear war, this group will meet monthly on the second Sunday to find ways to create a better world through Disarmament, Democracy and Doughnut Economics. 

You can see the PowerPoint we use here.

We will explore and discuss these issues: 

  • The needed path to a better world leading to peace, wisdom and balance with nature. 

  • Gaining awareness of where our values come from. 

  • Supporting ethics, empathy and human character development. 

  • Developing economic and political innovations to grow democracy. 

  • Growing a collaborative global campaign for Mutually Assured Survival, through Gradual Global Disarmament, Democracy and Doughnut Economics - investment in Human, Social & Earth’s Needs.   

  • Developing collaborations of educators, the public, business and political leaders to help make life on Earth flourish.

This group is for impact investors, people in socially responsible businesses, educators and activists for a better world. 





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