Transforming places with Doughnut Economics: webinar 3 (Past)

Doughnut Economics in urban development and architecture - two case studies from Norway and the UK.

Ever since Doughnut Economics was first published, practitioners from the built environment sector have been exploring the potential of the Doughnut to guide, inform and inspire spatial projects of all scales - from the design of new buildings or retrofit of old ones, to neighbourhood-scale urban plans, to spatial strategies for entire towns and cities. 
The built environment will be the focus of our next webinar, taking place on 7 December @ 3.00-4.00pm (London time), where we will be hearing two case studies of using Doughnut Economics in architecture and planning:

Doughnut Economics in Grønlikaia (DEiG), Oslo, Norway 

Marie Indrelid Winsvold is a Sustainability Director at Hav Eiendom, Oslo Port’s own development company with a social mission is to create a sustainable fjord city and values for the city, harbour and society. Marie will share Hav Eiendom’s work with Doughnut Economics as the basis for urban development of Grønlikaia, a new 200.000m2 fjord district in Oslo. 

They’ve worked with biologists, sociologists, environmental psychologists, architects, oceanographers, artists, energy scientists and other advisors and residents, using the four lenses of the Doughnut to identify opportunities, gaps and solutions for the future neighbourhood. From their process, they’ve developed a ‘Recipe’ for using the Doughnut in urban development, which they are now sharing in Norway and wider. 

Retrofit Reimagined in Birmingham, England 

Charlie Edmonds is a Dark Matter Designer at CIVIC SQUARE, a public square, neighbourhood lab, and creative + participatory platform focused on regenerative civic and social infrastructure within neighbourhoods, underpinned by the ideas of Doughnut Economics.

Charlie will share the Retrofit Reimagined work, setting the ambition to deeply retrofit a full street in Birmingham, guided by the question ‘What if the climate transition and retrofit of our homes and streets were designed, owned and governed by the people who live there?’. 

This webinar would be of interest to all members of the DEAL community interested in putting Doughnut Economics into practice, and particularly to those working on the spatial development of places, like architects, urban planners, infrastructure and transport engineers etc., as well as those working in and with communities and local governments on spatial visions for places. 

Following each presentation, there will be an opportunity for webinar participants to ask questions. 

Note that this webinar will be held at a time that is more friendly to members of the DEAL Community across Europe/Africa/Americas, but it will be recorded and shared back here on DEAL's platform.  

How to join

The webinar will be held via Zoom, to join please register here. Alternatively, you can watch a live stream on YouTube or via the embedded video player below. You will be able to ask questions either via Zoom or via YouTube live chat.

If you click on 'Add to calendar', you will be able to add the event to an external calendar and adjust the time to your local time zone. 

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