DEAL update: looking ahead to 2022
Introducing a few of the exciting developments that we have planned for the coming year.

Happy New Year!
As 2022 begins, we at DEAL continue to explore how to carefully design the spread and amplification of Doughnut Economics by asking ourselves questions like:
- How can we combine open design with clear principles of practice that ensure integrity?
- How can we best facilitate decentralised collaboration and unleash peer-to-peer inspiration?
- How can we effectively create and steward a commons for knowledge of practice?
With this in mind, we'd like to introduce just a few of the exciting developments that you can look forward to over the coming year.
DEAL Community Platform updates
Following the DEAL Community Platform's first anniversary last September, we kicked off a holistic review of the platform and invited you to help us identify areas for improvement.
Thank you for all your contributions so far! We continue to welcome your feedback, which we are actively using to help prioritise some big updates that we're planning to develop and launch later in the year.
Self-organising groups
With an emerging global community of over 25 self-organised and open, place-based groups organising around the ideas of Doughnut Economics, it has become clear how much energy there is in organising this way.
As a result of an ongoing collaborative process with existing local groups, we aim to launch a clear set of guidelines that will strive to fully unleash the creative potential of these local groups in all their forms.
New tools for places
Ever since the Doughnut was first published, people from around the world have wanted to downscale it and use it as a tool for reimagining the future of their own locality.
We'll soon be publishing a set of workshop-based tools that invite changemakers to "unroll the Doughnut" and explore its four lenses on life. These will complement and update the current methodology for Creating City Portraits.
Expanding our work with cities and regions
We are thrilled to see more and more cities and local governments putting Doughnut Economics into practice globally.
We'll soon be starting peer-to-peer learning sessions allowing these cities to meet and learn from one another, and we'll be hosting public webinars to showcase the inspiring work that they're doing.
We'll soon be starting peer-to-peer learning sessions allowing these cities to meet and learn from one another, and we'll be hosting public webinars to showcase the inspiring work that they're doing.
We're also in the process of developing new guiding documents to help cities that are just getting started.
New guidelines for consultants
We'll be publishing new guidelines setting out eligibility criteria for consultants and other organisations that want to provide others with professional advice or support services related to the concepts and tools of Doughnut Economics.
When business meets the doughnut
We are excited to see DEAL's evolving approach to Business & Enterprise beginning to take off.
Read our latest update to learn more about DEAL's approach to business, our updated policy on how businesses can and can't engage with the Doughnut, our other upcoming plans, and an invitation to the community to contribute to this on-going work.
Phew, that about does it for now. Here's to a transformative year!
You can keep up to date with future updates by subscribing to the monthly DEAL Newsletter.
Phew, that about does it for now. Here's to a transformative year!
You can keep up to date with future updates by subscribing to the monthly DEAL Newsletter.