Doughnut Economics features in EastEnders
The legendary BBC1 soap opera has written the Doughnut into the storyline for COP26

Doughnut Economics has featured in the classic British soap opera EastEnders - and is introduced into the storyline by the most climate-smart kid in Albert Square, 12 year old Bailey Baker.
In the episode broadcast on 1 November 2021, Bailey tells fellow residents in the Square the importance of eating far less meat in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and water use. As Bailey explains, "The goal of the Doughnut is to make sure that nobody falls in the hole in the middle, so everybody has the essentials of life, whilst staying within the means of the living planet."
The inclusion of Doughnut Economics in the storyline is part of a commitment by several British soap operas to bring climate change and environmental action into episodes airing during COP26, the global climate-change negotiations taking place in Glasgow 1-12 November, where the world's governments are meeting to dramatically step up their collective action on cutting greenhouse-gas emissions.
Jon Sen, the Executive Producer of EastEnders, contacted the team at Doughnut Economics Action Lab some months back to share his idea of having Bailey talk about Doughnut Economics on the show. We were delighted and promised to keep the storyline under wraps until it was broadcast.
You can watch the whole episode if you have access to the BBC's iPlayer - Bailey talks about the Doughnut at 10 mins 20 seconds.
So if you happened to be watching EastEnders on November 1st, heard Bailey say "Doughnut Economics - look it up", and so you did - yes it really is a thing! You are hugely welcome to check out what's going on in the community here at Doughnut Economics Action Lab. You'll see that people like Bailey are getting into action worldwide - from school students and families to neighbourhood communities, towns and cities - to help humanity get into the Doughnut.
In the episode broadcast on 1 November 2021, Bailey tells fellow residents in the Square the importance of eating far less meat in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and water use. As Bailey explains, "The goal of the Doughnut is to make sure that nobody falls in the hole in the middle, so everybody has the essentials of life, whilst staying within the means of the living planet."
The inclusion of Doughnut Economics in the storyline is part of a commitment by several British soap operas to bring climate change and environmental action into episodes airing during COP26, the global climate-change negotiations taking place in Glasgow 1-12 November, where the world's governments are meeting to dramatically step up their collective action on cutting greenhouse-gas emissions.
Jon Sen, the Executive Producer of EastEnders, contacted the team at Doughnut Economics Action Lab some months back to share his idea of having Bailey talk about Doughnut Economics on the show. We were delighted and promised to keep the storyline under wraps until it was broadcast.
You can watch the whole episode if you have access to the BBC's iPlayer - Bailey talks about the Doughnut at 10 mins 20 seconds.
So if you happened to be watching EastEnders on November 1st, heard Bailey say "Doughnut Economics - look it up", and so you did - yes it really is a thing! You are hugely welcome to check out what's going on in the community here at Doughnut Economics Action Lab. You'll see that people like Bailey are getting into action worldwide - from school students and families to neighbourhood communities, towns and cities - to help humanity get into the Doughnut.