P2P Learning Journeys: Applications Launch
Apply now to explore Doughnut Economics in action at the scale of the household, street and neighbourhood.

What does it mean for neighbours to take the ideas of Doughnut Economics off the page and into transformative action at the scale of the household, street and neighbourhood?
As part of the wider Neighbourhood Doughnut movement and, CIVIC SQUARE are very excited to be working together with Enrol Yourself and Doughnut Economics Action Lab to take radical ideas off the page and turn them into transformative action in neighbourhoods across the globe.
Together we will be sharing practice, inspiration, ideas and tools for how we craft new economic possibilities that are regenerative and distributive by design in the commons to bring deep dive, peer-to-peer learning journeys to life with you all, starting in February 2022.
Application are now open to join one of 12 hosts from across the world bringing the ideas of Doughnut Economics to life across households, streets and neighbourhoods around the world starting in February 2022.