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Doughnut Economics About DEAL News & Updates Meet the DEAL Team Careers FAQ Wider Movement Contact UsWe are people from different areas who share the vision of a regenerative Munich.
We see ourselves as ambassadors of the donut economy. For us the economy of the 21st century is: collaborative, regenerative, distributive, thinking in whole systems, striving for well-being rather than growth.
Donut Munich aims to establish itself as a network in which people and organizations work together for a safe, just and regenerative future for Munich.
Nothing to see here yet.
Niklas Rudolf
Munich, Germany
Connect with people willing to exchange practical ideas on how we can make our societies thrive in balance with nature.
Get inspired, connect with others and become part of the movement. No matter how big or small your contribution is, you’re welcome to join!
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Antonia Borsutzky
München, Bavaria, Germany
I work towards a regenerative, social economic transformation, and want to learn and work more with the doughnut model.