We're nearly ready to press publish on the Oxfordshire Doughnut Project!
We couldn't participate in Global Donut Days this year as we were wrapping the final report and presentation. Here's us on the day of presenting to Oxfordshire County Council on the 7th November. 🍩 🫠
The full report is coming. Inside you will find;
⭐️ A prelim-data portrait
🌀 An early stage re-rolling of all four lenses into a Doughnut visualisation for Oxfordshire
🌐 A new methodology for the global social lens for time-poor, budget constrained teams
🛠 Functional how-tos on shifting from holistic impact assessment to Doughnut-informed Decision Making
☸️ Early envisaging for how we we might join up thinking on portrait to decision-making tool for overall system of economic decision making.
Watch this space DEAL community 🤩