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Browsing 31 search results
Stephane Aucoin
Rubén Flores
Dublin, Ireland
Mexican sociologist and aspiring writer based in Dublin. Very excited to be part of this community. Sociólogo y escritor mexicano radico en Dublín. Muy contento de unirme a esta comunidad.
Angela Nardozzi
Seattle, Washington, United States
Originally from New Hampshire, I defected to the West after college for work. I've spent the majority of my career in technology and the last five years in climate tech helping to rapidly advance home electrification. While I believe technological innovation is a significant driver of demonstrating viability for climate solutions, I am keen to learn frameworks and action plans that can generate broader and more immediate impact across larger populations. Doughnut Economics was the first time I experienced a concise representation of a new economic model that resonated deeply with my values. #c
Judith Porter
London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom
Hi, I'm the founder of a new workplace-based behaviour change programme - Climate Habits - helping to bridge the gap between people's concern about climate change and personal action. Interested in ideas, partnerships and inspiration
Lucia Delfina Ruiz Ostoic
I am a lawyer with master degree in Goverment and public management (Barcelona School of Bussiness/Pompeu Fabra University/Barcelona School of Bussiness), complete master´s studies in Business Administration (CENTRUM) and Conservation Biology (Cayetano Heredia University). Twenty eight years of professional experience in design and implementation of public policies and management instruments related with environment, natural resources, and protected spaces. Former member of public institutions and NGO, currently a member of the Board of Directors of the National Superintendence of Sanitation Services of Perú - SUNASS (, ART Architecture for REDD Transactions ( and Legado ( I want to be part of a group that seeks to spread globally the urgency of knowing the situation that the planet is experiencing and the need to act based on that knowledge.
Sachin Ganpat
Trinidad and Tobago
Information Technology Professional for over 20 years, living in the Caribbean for almost half a century. After watching the world slowly degrade, I need to do more, if for anyone else, for my two daughters. Interested in
Doughnut Economics, Outdoor Sports&Citizen Science
Applying the Doughnut Economics to Outdoor Sports in the Alps - A Citizen Science Project