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Browsing 93 search results
Erica Wie Dia
#doughnuteconomics #city portrait In the pre-project phase of creating a city portrait for a large-scale city development area in the city of Oslo, Norway. TBC.
Clare Goff
I'm a writer, editor and project manager specialising in 'good' local economics, local government and communities.
Lewis Muirhead
Salt Spring Island
Facilitator versed in social innovation labs, complexity, human centered design, complexity and evaluation. MSc in strategic leadership towards sustainability
David Riley
Port Adelaide Enfield Libraries
My background is as a STEM specialist, working in science discovery centres and museum organisations. I have helped establish the community-driven Makerspace Adelaide with a focus on sustainability and circular economy principles. I have a passion for education and critical thinking. I'm currently part of the City of Port Adelaide Enfield libraries as a STEM Specialist, developing and delivering community Learning programs and overseeing the Parks Library Makerspace.
Marie-Anne Bernasconi
Nice, France
Hi! I'm a coach in interpersonal communication and leadership, a design thinking facilitator for sustainable innovations and a TEDx speaker. I have helped a diversity of clients to impulse ecological change within organisations: in the last decades, I have facilitated boot camps with intrapreneurs, collaborative management with NGOs, co-creation sessions with French government agencies and taught entrepreneurship at business schools. When I discovered Doughnut Design for Business, I was amazed at how it was designed to spread and how efficient it could be to sow seeds of hope and possibilities worldwide.
Ion Adrian
Ploiesti, Romania
Yosui Kawatani
Hello. My name is Yosui Kawatani. I am a sole proprietor (trade name: Feel Layer) and I am working with my colleagues in Japan. I feel a sense of crisis that the world is now on the verge of collapse in terms of both the environment, economy, and society, and I am considering a post-capitalist society relative to the capitalist society. To achieve this, it is necessary to catch accurate and creative information quickly and use it appropriately. In recent years, doughnut economics has been attracting attention and being valued by communities that question excessive capitalism and technocracy, but there is still a noticeable delay in reaching social implementation, especially in Japan. That is why I would like to participate in the DOUGHNUT ECONOMICS ACTION LAB, not only to bring inspiration and ideas to my personal activities, but also to participate in the activities of the DOUGHNUT ECONOMICS ACTION LAB and work for the realization of a sustainable economy in Japan. I would like to move.
Fanny Snaith
Cheltenham, UK
Hi - I am Fanny. Mum, wife, and money coach - in that order. My work as a money coach is to spread the word that money need not be boring, frightening or in short supply. My main focus is helping people develop a wonderful relationship with money, understanding that money needs to flow - like energy. Money can only work well when fair exchange takes place. Psychologically of course, that has different levels of meaning for us all and that is where the problems usually begin. Our three life currencies - time, energy and money are precious gifts. Manage them well and life is fulfilling and balanced. I believe that everyone should have the skills and knowledge to manage their money well, and to have a relationship with it that allows us to have a standard of living that serves to keep us healthy and happy.
Sophia Ostler
An advocat for holistic and kind sustainability, trying to transform SMEs from the inside out through realistic babysteps for a better future. #lifelonglearning
Past Event
(Past) Donut Festival
2023-06-08T08:00:00Z (Past)
Schuurmansweg 3a, 7156 SK Beltrum, Netherlands
Nadine Burggraf
Freiburg im Breisgau
I am a student of economics and would like to become a teacher for secondary school students. During my studies I came across the problem of growth and I want to learn more about circular economy systems. I believe that there is an alternative to capitalism and that our economic system needs to change to a healthy system where we neither exceed the limits of our planet nor fall into a lack of basic needs. The Doughnut is a good and easy to understand model that I would like to convey as a serious alternative to the traditional economic model of the 20th century.
Dennis Britton
San Jose, California
I currently work as a business coach, helping teams and organizations become more adaptive. I've also co-founded and nurtured a meetup group to grow to more than 3000 individuals. I'm interested in fostering Land Based Community employment options. What value exchange options arise from taking a regenerative approach rather than an extractive approach with both land and people? What would it take to attract and guide people to deep prosperity? #regeneration, #permaculture , #cohousing, , #games,
Past Event
(Past) Content dayz
2023-03-17T15:00:00Z (Past)
Llama Llama Lloyd, Väderkvarnsgatan 16a, Göteborg, Västra Götaland 417 04, Sweden
Houvenaghel Yann
Clermont Ferrand, France
interested in the challenges of sustainable development, I wonder about the methods to revisit our processes and public policies. DEAL community proposes to apprehend the subject in a global and international way. #
Maria Falkevik
Arvika, Sweden
I work in regional management and development. Especially with complex nature resource managent issues with high levels of conflict.
Marco Benitez
Veracruz, Mexico
University Professor working on sustainable development and impact assesment, I collaborate with municipalities on urban sustainability issues. , #urban sustainability
Thea Gherdan
Costa Adeje, Canary Islands, Spain
Thea helps tech & agtech startup founders accelerate sales and scale their business 🚀 by creating and implementing successful, predictable & scalable sales processes & teams aimed 🎯 at revenue generation. #tech #sales #revenue #people #womeninagriculture #agtech #agriculture
Anthea Moys
I am an artist and researcher, originally from South Africa, currently based in London. I just completed a PhD in Play in the area of performance studies and I am interested in alternative economies, but am new to this so have joined DEAL to learn more! #play #playwork #peerlearning #creative
Stefano Bressan
Hi! I am a graphic designer based in Nuremberg, Germany. I'd love to be part of creative projects aimed to empower people and support happier lives for everybody. I think today we have enough tools to actively improve the world starting from our surroundings, and even quickly. Words are not enough, I want to be part of something tangible.
Hicham El Maaroufi Elidrissi
Tomorrow’s economies and organizations of all kind won’t be about creating profits for shareholders. It will definitely be about improving the state of the world and driving human value. As we’ve been living in the Anthropocene -the one of a human-influenced age, and maybe the greatest of all time- all the existing paradigms we've built our society and economic systems upon have now become obsolete. The 12.000 years since the last ice age during which all human civilization developed is now a thing of the past. Today, HUMANITY is facing its biggest and serious challenges ever. Finding new equations to advancing human potential(s) and solve the crisis of this deliquescent civilization is of paramount importance in our exponential and ubiquitous world. In fact it should be the concern of everyone. I'm starting with the man in the mirror! 2010 was a wake up call for me and I've decided to serve the greater good to enable change and power an ontologically conscious economy. I believe in our capacity to use technologies wisely, consciously and purposefully. We did it in the past but today it's the only way we for us to transition and shape the course of history. A change like never before to save us from that collective madness that may lead us to our own extinction. So I've created a global collective of radical thinkers aiming at creating positive shifts through conscious embodiment and enactivism. But more than a company what I've designed as an "Innovation Collective & Systemic Design Studio" is a symbiotic, dynamic, and unconventional ecosystem designed to shift people’s thinking. A place where singular ideas can flourish because everyone connects and inspires others to go beyond the limits of the current frame of perception.
Zafiq Syaddiq
Ipoh, Malaysia
I am a member of Institut Darul Ridzuan (IDR), which is a state of Perak's Think Thank majoring in sosio-economic.
Seven Ways One Pagers
Each of the Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st Century Economist summarised onto one page with some questions to reflect on
Lisa Marie Bagge
I am a seasoned Business Developer with extensive experience from the Lifestyle & Design and Robotics industries. My commitment to sustainability has led me on a self-funded I transition to a Purpose-Driven Sustainability Advocate where I am exploring the convergence of technology, human behavior, and overproduction in the fashion industry. I discovered Doughnut Economics through a LinkedIn post, and it immediately resonated with me. Its simplicity and effectiveness make it an easily digestible Framework for developing action plans to transition companies towards a regenerative and distributed design approach. I joined DEAL community as I am keen to learn more about the concept and what is already happening in Denmark and how I can help locally aswell as globally.
Morgan Bomer
San Diego, CA
Hello! My name is Morgan and I am a climate change communicator. I'm currently reading Doughnut Economics and want to learn more about any events, educational reforms, and calls to action that I can be engaging with. Would love to connect!