Applying Doughnut Economics to Fandom in Sports

Application of Doughnut Economics to sports fandom for sustainable engagement.

In the course of the Sportainable project seminar at the University of Bayreuth, I explored Doughnut Economics, developed by Kate Raworth, to understand how sports fandom can operate within ecological and social boundaries. This innovative economic model emphasizes sustainability, making it a perfect fit for analyzing the environmental and social impacts of fandom.

Research objective

By applying the Four Lenses Tool from the DEAL Community, I aimed to conduct a comprehensive and practical analysis of the "fan" entity in the context of Doughnut Economics. Since the existence and scope of action of sports fans are significantly influenced by interfaces and dependencies with other actors and given conditions, I developed a unique "Fan Doughnut" for this rather abstract entity. This is the result of an attempt to briefly represent the current status quo of fan behavior and fan engagement, uncover potential for action, and encourage the development of targeted measures that consider both the ecological ceilings and the social foundations of individual actions by fans and fan groups.

I am grateful to have had the opportunity to integrate a central entity of sports with this promising and sustainable economic concept for the first time. 
Many thanks to my supervisor, 

@Peter Leonhard Kuhn , for the support and inspiration on this journey!

# sportainable hashtag_lookup:#sportainable # sports hashtag_lookup:#sports # entity hashtag_lookup:#entity # scientific hashtag_lookup:#scientific # poster hashtag_lookup:#poster # sustainability hashtag_lookup:#sustainability # doughnuteconomics hashtag_lookup:#doughnuteconomics # fourlenses hashtag_lookup:#fourlenses  # fan hashtag_lookup:#fan 




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