DEAL: The first five years

A brief recap of DEAL's journey so far, including three annual reports since we launched in 2019

To share the story of Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL), we've created a booklet where we briefly introduce Doughnut Economics and the work of DEAL. We also include links to the reports that we have shared with our funders every year. Within these reports, you’ll find a lot of detail on what we planned, what we’ve achieved and what we have learned since DEAL began. 

You’ll also see how DEAL’s initial strategy has been deepened and clarified by the ongoing evolution of the work in practice and by learning from responses to, and the impact of, this work. We conclude with a summary of our most recent learnings and how we look forward to the adventures ahead.

We hope you enjoy reading,
– Carlota, Kate and the whole DEAL team

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