Education for Economic Transformation

Shakti Rising's financial resilience program convenes international women to re-examine and transform our economy

Massive amounts of research point to women's economic empowerment and access being a key leverage point to transforming our economy into one that reflects the values of the Doughnut.

Shakti Rising, a US-based NGO, has created a long-standing financial resilience program with educational offerings designed specifically by and for women, to curate and unleash groups of women leaders from diverse backgrounds with key understandings of why and how our current dominant economy functions, as well as how and why they can and must transform it.
Over 400 women from 5 nations have participated in the trainings just since 2019.

This fall, we're opening up our program again, starting with a 4-week, interactive, live, online immersion in this new economic paradigm.
Learn more here:

Please reach out to with any questions.





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