Using doughnut economics as a pathway to thriving

Natalie Hold
Bangor, Wales, United Kingdom
Me and my husband are parents to 2 young boys and we share our home with 2 dogs and 3 ducks. I am a fisheries scientist at Bangor University trying to navigate a path towards sustainable seafood that is environmentally, socially, economically and culturally thriving.
Sílvia de Sousa
Full Sutton, England, United Kingdom
Hello! Olá! I am a firm believer in the Doughnut Economics - as a good rogue economist!! I have two children and I really do want Economic thinking and acting to change, to see a clean, fair, just and sustainable World for them to grow and thrive in! Utopia? I am interested in rural food poverty in "rich countries" and how we can wiggle out of it using the Doughnut! I also believe that children are our future, and we should strive to include "doughnuts" in our children's education, as early and as often as possible. So, if you can, please HELP!
John Burton
South Burlington, Vermont, United States of America
I currently consult about applied economics after a long career owning a technology services business. I have an interest in Distributed Ledger applications and I am interested in connecting others with a passion for understanding everyday economic issues.
Jeremy Melder
Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia
Beaming Green Podcast
Kathryn Milun
Mel Bradley
Taunton, England, United Kingdom