Circle of Creatives for Earth & Doughnut Economics (Past)
We support each other while brainstorming strategies to help humanity evolve through Doughnut Economics.
Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.
- First Sunday of each month, 12 noon EST on Zoom.
- A monthly support group and global learning community for people who love Earth and care deeply about humanity and future generations.
- Here is the updated document we are using in the meeting.
- Acknowledge your Earth grief, heal your heart, nurture your vision and creative imagination.
- Create a practice to feel inner-peace, love, happiness and good humor, while working for justice and sustainability.
- Join this monthly check-in for Global Transformationalists supporting Doughnut Economics.
- Tell friends and colleagues of this healing and nurturing Circle of Creatives for Earth & Doughnut Economics.
with Sandy Hinden, author of the free Guidebook for Person & Planet.
- Here is the link to register.
Sanford Hinden
Dix Hills, New York, United States of America
I provide programs for: • Education for wisdom and wellbeing • Peace and the environment • Personal, relationship and social-global development
Lou Lefort
City of London, England, United Kingdom
Hi everyone! My name is Lou and I am a 3rd-year student at King's College London. I come from France and moved to London to do a Bachelor in Social Sciences. I am really sensitive to the environmental breakdown occurring at the moment and I hope to make a positive change, small or big to improve our society and our future. I am in the process of getting work experience in the environmental field (whether NGO, policy-making, etc), feel free to contact me if you are looking for motivated volunteers to help you in your projects :)
Kinga Baczkun
Poznań, Poland
Lucy Bowen
Genesis Kelly Lontoc
I teach Economics, Social Science and Personal Finance in the Philippines.
Vivek Meshram
Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Observer, Reader, Learner A vivid observer of polity, economy, and environment. Interested in behavioral sciences, behavioral economics and public policies. Pursuing M.A. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
Stephanie Ostermaier
City of London, England, United Kingdom
Robert Alexander
I've been tackling waste, environment and poverty for 17 years. Set up a Charity in South Wales operating 14k Sq Ft Warehouse and 3 Charity Shops. After seeing a better way to prevent waste, and engage all the community in a Circular Economy Model, we partnered with the Author of the Haynes Manuals for Electrical Repairs of Appliances. We rebranded the course that was used for 40+ years and 4000 Trainees, to a Verification, Certification and now in Draft, a Qualification for White Goods Repair. We won the Swansea Institute of Design, Environmental Improvement award in 2015 and we're about to launch our Soft-Launch Phase 1 SaaS Platform, in the form of an Appliance Safety Register, that introduces communities into a Community run model that tackles Poverty, Environment, Green Skills and many other Apps, solely for the Community where you live so that we can also donate real money to people in need, create more local Repair Jobs in a Cloud Based, Company Limited by Guarantee Model. Defra have given us a letter of Support and discussed options with us, on how we can work together, delivering metrics that will help form UK Policy to safeguard and deliver vital data to ensure the UK has the resources it needs. We're cloud based now and looking for citizens to Register their Appliances with us, so we can ensure safer homes, and create Professional Community Repairers where they live, to tackle much of Societies Challenges. It will be a full Circular Economy Model for your Community and we can see the potential for over 400+ LocalitEEE's, in the Uk, deliver what your community wants. Engagement by UK Stakeholders and Citizens will mean this doesn't need funding, and eventually we want these owned by each community in the UK. If you want to engage with us, drop us a line an Register Your Interest in this short Form. Through Citizen Engagement we can all deliver a Common Set of Tools belonging to our Community and we will be donating annual amounts to people in need, in your community that could with 60% engagement deliver £90k annually. See example Metrics from a Welsh Community See example Metrics from an English Community
Eleanor Heather