Doughnut Economics Community of Practice - September Meeting (Past)
This CoP is exploring how to build internal buy-in for Doughnut Economics, sharing good practice and peer support.
Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.
Doughnut Economics is rapidly gaining momentum across the world, with governments, businesses, communities and more exploring how to apply the principles in practice. The work of the Doughnut Economics Action Lab has created a wealth of resources and support for operationalising the model, and encouraging practitioners to learn from each other.
A key barrier has been identified by many organisations hoping to bring Doughnut Economics into their work and mission – how to secure internal buy-in for the transformation required?
This Community of Practice is exploring this question, learning from those who have started the process, and sharing good practice and peer support.
Please contact Peter if you would like to join, or to receive more information: gfn@exeter.ac.uk.
Peter Lefort
Cornwall, UK
Part of the
Clair Smith
Hope Tuff
Leonora Grcheva
City of London, England, United Kingdom
Cities and Regions Lead at DEAL. Urban planner, researcher, participation practitioner. Macedonian living in London.
yewande ososanya
Cecilia Brezmes
Giuseppe Alkire
Sanjiv Shrivastava
Kartik Krishnan
I'm a 'growth marketer' and as such my role takes me into the world of #pricing, supply-demand and #sustainable growth. I'd first heard about doughnut economics in 2018 through effective altruism. But since listening to Kate Raworth make a call to arms (or at least say is there an alternative option?) on the 'Leading' podcast, I am inspired to partake and see if I can contribute in any way. Keen to provide time, energy and capital to spread the good word!
Amanda Thomas
Hampshire, UK
Passionate about food system transformation and sustainable diets and nutrition. Having worked for many years in international food marketing, I recently educated and re-trained Sustainability, food system challenges and Circular Economy. I'm interested in helping food businesses re-think their models to ensure they are helping people and planet to thrive. Member of the future food movement and volunteer at the social entreprise The Pantry Partnership in Salisbury - re-distributing industry fresh produce waste to those most in need in communities.