Governace Literacy First for Planetary Boundaries (Past)

Learn Why Planetary Boundaries Can Only Be Attained Through Governance Literacy First

Governance Literacy First for Planetary Boundaries

July 21, 2 PM on Zoom  

  • Timothy Gieseke is creator of Earth Accounting that can address the planetary boundaries described in Doughnut Economics by Kate Raworth.
  • In this meeting, Timothy will explain why we need Governance Literacy first to collaboratively solve wicked problems.
  • He will present his research on Governance Literacy and share his ideas on The Evolution of Governance Sectors & Styles.
  •  Timothy will then present his Governance Preference Assessment for Governance Literacy.
  •  Feel free to invite all who care about sustainable peace and sustainable nature.
  • You can register here.




    Sanford Hinden

    Dix Hills, New York, United States of America

    I work to create political and economic transformation for wisdom and wellbeing on Earth.

    Sarah Hoey


    A belief that a better world is possible


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