IDEN Virtual Cuppa (Past)
Irish Doughnut Economics Network virtual meetup

Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.
A monthly compass point for reflecting on action, our practice, principles and looking to the next month.
#Ireland #virtualcoffee #IDEN
Details for this virtual cuppa are available in the IDEN #events channel.
Currently invites to IDEN Slack are requested via Roisin Markham
By joining the virtual cuppa you are agreeing to have read & follow the DEAL code of conduct and principles of practice.
You can read previous virtual cuppa zoom chats and watch video presentations on our wiki https://wiki.irishdenetwork.org/Community/VirtualCuppa
Roisin Markham
Gorey, Leinster, Ireland
Steward of 18 oaks and wild nature in north Wexford, working on reducing my footprint, living circular, growing food, nurturing our soil. Trying to live in right relationship with the planet, animals & people. Learning to sing again.. Leading for impact through life-centred design, regenerative and distributive practices. Founder of Irish DE Network #IDEN https://wiki.irishdenetwork.org/Home IDEN no longer using slack, we are experimenting with a whatsapp community.
David Bosonnet
Cork, Munster, Ireland
Landscape architect
Duncan Crowley
Lisbon, Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, Portugal
I’m an Irish architect in Lisbon, doing a PhD in “Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories” in ISCTE and working on Horizon2020 project UrbanA (Urban Arenas for sustainable and just cities) in FCUL. While living in Curitiba, Brazil (2014-18), I did a masters in Environment and Development. Living in Barcelona (2006-13) I co-founded the local Transition group and gained a Permaculture Design Certificate (2010) at Mas Franch, also active in Barcelona Indignado square occupations 2011. I worked with Eco Intelligent Growth on LEED and Cradle to Cradle certification, collaborated with William McDonough and developed a White Paper for the Sustainable Urban Development of Barcelona for the Catalan Government. An Ecocity activist since Banja Luka, Bosnia (2003), I set up the Curitiba Ecocity Festival during the 2017 Ecocity World Summit. I represented ECOLISE at COP25 in Madrid 2019 and was part of the Climate Social & Climate Justice Caravan, with indigenous groups, during COP15
Nicola Neville
Daniel Gormley
Armagh, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Brad Macpherson
Greystones, Co. Wicklow, Leinster, Ireland
Greenie, Allotmenteer, Beekeeper, IT and Engineering nerd.
Mark Kavanagh
Delgany Wood, The Municipal District of Greystones, Leinster, Ireland
A keen environmentalist living in Delgany, Wicklow. I am an enthusiast for nature based solutions to the planetary crises and an optimistic realist about our shared future. Once studied economics but evidently the wrong kind.. Involved in local and international action groups; Wicklow One Future, Stop Climate Chaos, Friends of the Earth.
Eoin O'Connor
Tralee, Munster, Ireland
Michael Power
County Waterford, Ireland
Celine Horner
Wicklow, Leinster, Ireland
Environmental scientist