Leeds Doughnut Festival November 2023 (Past)
A programme of events going on across Leeds & Otley surrounding the inaugural Global Donut Day.

Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.
Leeds Doughnut Coalition, Racial Justice Network, Otley 2030, and Space2 present 5 events celebrating and discussing Doughnut Economics from 10th-18th November 2023.
Friday 10th November 6-9pm @ The Old Fire Station, Gipton
Join us over in East Leeds as Space2 kick off the week of events, with a fashion show hosted by the wonderful volunteers at Clothing Rebellion. A working example of Doughnut principles in action, this group of local women upcycle, repurpose, and curate intercepted clothing, and provide it at affordable prices for the local community. Come along on Friday night to celebrate their work, with a delicious Montserratian vegetarian meal included.
Saturday 11th November 2-5pm @ The Methodist Church, Otley
Talk from Axe Drax on their campaign for sustainable energy, and against practices which affect our planetary boundaries and social foundation. Followed by a panel discussion with Otley 2030 and Racial Justice Network.
Monday 13th November 6-8:30pm @ Imagine Leeds Climate Hub, Leeds City Centre
A cosy potluck dinner at Imagine Leeds & viewing party for the DEAL network's programme of events for Global Donut Day, an opportunity for anyone interested or involved in the Doughnut to share a meal and have a natter!
Friday 17th November 6-8:30pm @ Imagine Leeds Climate Hub, Leeds City Centre
A call to action for Leeds to think globally while acting locally, and a discussion of the Doughnut in relation to climate action and anti-imperialist frameworks from global majority countries. Screening of Racial Justice Network's 13th Recommendation film, followed by presentations from Melany Zarate (Racial Justice Network) and Ben Mussanzi (Centre Résolution Conflits).
Saturday 18th November 12-5pm @ Imagine Leeds Climate Hub, Leeds City Centre
Stalls for sustainable businesses and local climate action groups running through the afternoon. Running alongside, there'll be a workshop exploring Basic Income through the Doughnut lens, and talks with Q&As. Laurie Parsons will be discussing the Doughnut in relation to the fast fashion industry, and Paul Chatterton will explore degrowth and climate justice in relation to Leeds Doughnut Coalition's work.
Nathan Stewart
Leeds, UK
I'm Nathan, originally from Huddersfield but I've lived in Leeds for 7 years. My background in Doughnut Economics came through my MSc in Sustainable Cities at the University of Leeds, during which I worked with the brilliant Otley 2030 climate action group on the local-social lens of their doughnut portrait. Since graduating I have started a role at Space2, an arts and social change charity in East Leeds. Here I am incorporating the principles of the doughnut into policy writing, and exploring the possibilities of incorporating the doughnut into participatory arts and community work.
Luis Palicio
Leeds (UK) / Oviedo (Spain)
I'm a 37 years old food safety expert from Spain but living in the UK for the last decade. Our current model is unsustainable and that's we need to use frameworks like Doughnut economics to reshape our local communities and way of living. I have experience in food manufacturing and involvement of civil society and community work.
Tim Frenneaux
Leeds, England, United Kingdom
Hello! I'm currently working as Source for the Piʌot Project - the emergent people-powered movement for regenerative transformation. [Towards a more beautiful future] I'm also a regenerative business designer, a bookseller selling nature/travel/adventures books that help folk reconnect with themselves and the rest of the natural world, as well as a collaborator with the Leeds Doughnut Coalition. Before finding my wings in 2020 I was the Head of Policy at the York and North Yorkshire LEP where I developed England's first, and only, carbon-negative Local Industrial Strategy, integrated the UN SDG's into our decision making and project appraisal processes and pioneered the implementation of design thinking in the public sector. In my work now I'm investigating the role that we puny humans and our powerful businesses can play in nurturing a more beautiful future via a post-growth economy.
Jenni Brooks
Leeds, England, United Kingdom
I am Comms & Engagement Lead at Climate Action Leeds, working for a 'zero carbon, nature friendly, socially just Leeds by the 2030s'. This is an ambitious, Lottery-funded project linking up local and city-wide communities to act, plan and build a movement of action and change. We are using Doughnut methodologies to help us do this, we have set up the Leeds Doughnut Coalition and are working with the University of Leeds on our first sketch city portrait.
Sanjiv Shrivastava