URLA 2024: Building a sustainable, resilient and inclusive Urla (Past)
Join us on Nov 7th for Global Donut Day 2024 in Urla! A day for sharing experiences and making connections
Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.
Global Donut Day in Urla, Izmir!
Organized in cooperation with Izmir Metropolitan Municipality and Urla Municipality, the event will take place in Urla-Izmir in Türkiye on 7th November and will be hosted by Gevrek Economics Action Lab (GEAL), which was established within Izmir Planning Agency (IZPA). GEAL has been active for a year and this lab is responsible for bringing the donut model into the life.
Our underlying theme of the day will be sharing our activities up-to date and exploring how we can strengthen our connection with the global community. More details on the event coming soon.
Thursday 7th November, 2024
1pm to 4pm
At different locations in Urla
See you in Urla
We look forward to it!