'Doughnut Unrolled' - Now in Five Languages

Introducing a new set of five tools to apply the ideas of Doughnut Economics to your place

πŸ“’ August 2023 update - all Doughnut Unrolled tools and canvases are now translated into French, Spanish, German and Brazilian Portuguese.

People from across the DEAL Community innovating methods with the four lenses

People from across the DEAL Community innovating methods with the four lenses

The goal of the Doughnut is to meet the needs of all people within the means of the living planet, but what does this mean for the neighbourhoods, cities, districts or nations where we live?

To help people explore this question we've created Doughnut Unrolled, a concept that takes us from the Doughnut to four 'lenses' that invite you to look at the interplay between local aspirations and global responsibilities in your place – both socially and ecologically – and identify possible entry-points for transformative action.

Unrolling the Doughnut

Unrolling the Doughnut

Doughnut Unrolled is a set of five tools that work together to apply the ideas of Doughnut Economics to your place:

  1. Introducing the four lenses - an introduction to the four lenses and the set of tools you can use to help your place bring humanity into the Doughnut.
  2. Community Portrait of Place - a selection of participatory workshop approaches you can use to explore the four lenses for your place.
  3. Data Portrait of Place - a handbook of approaches for collecting targets and indicators for each of the four lenses for your place.
  4. Exploring a topic - a selection of approaches to explore a specific topic through the four lenses, whether a sector, strategy, policy, project, initiative, object or idea.
  5. Dimensions of the four lenses - an overview of each of the dimensions of the four lenses on life.

Together they help you create a 'Doughnut Portrait' of your place - a holistic picture with diverse inputs and perspectives - that can act as a starting point for transformative action.

The four lenses of the unrolled Doughnut

The four lenses of the unrolled Doughnut

DEAL's set of Doughnut Unrolled tools

Whilst we are launching these tools in English we are also kicking off a process for translating all 5 tools into some languages and we will share more details of this in the following weeks.

Doughnut Unrolled builds upon the methodology of Creating City Portraits co-created with Biomimicry 3.8, Circle Economy, and C40 Cities. Since this was published in July 2020, many towns, cities and regions worldwide have created their own portrait of place adapted to local contexts and priorities. The Doughnut Unrolled tools draw on the learnings and experiences from these diverse initiatives that have been engaging with the question of how their place can help bring humanity into the Doughnut.

In addition to these learnings, DEAL hosted a co-creative workshop process to explore adapting the Doughnut Data Portrait methodology to global South contexts and priorities (April - July 2021). The co-creative global South workshops team has kindly agreed to make the rich contributions and resources within this repository publicly available to members of the DEAL Community here. We at DEAL are very grateful for the time and expertise that we shared with all the contributors as this co-creative process unfolded, and we believe the process and learnings will provide a powerful inspiration to others.

The tools contain lots of types of content such as slides that you can use to learn about the concepts and use in your presentations, method and guidance slides to help you design your own processes and approaches, a data-led methodological handbook for selecting targets and indicators, and online canvases that you can use if running an online workshop, as well as guidance for how to run in-person workshops.

Here is an example of the presentation slides from Introducing the four lenses that you can open in a separate window here or preview by scrolling through the slides below.

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And here is an example of some of the online canvases you can use in Miro that you can access here with the (password: fourlenses) that is designed for you to copy into your own Miro account. If you don't have a Miro account, you can create one for free, very easily - that will give you space for three boards.

Four lenses online canvases in Miro

We invite anyone who wishes to explore what the ideas of Doughnut Economics means for them in their place to use these tools.
And, if you wish to use these tools as part of your consultancy or professional advisory services for others, then we require that you follow DEAL's policy for consultancies and professional advisors.

We also invite you to use and adapt these tools - as with all other tools - to your unique context, audience and intentions. Along with this, we ask that you share back your innovations and your stories of practice to inspire others, to keep enriching the commons of knowledge and practice here on the DEAL Community Platform.

As the practice evolves so will these tools, as we learn what works and as new innovations emerge. We're excited to see what you can do with these tools in your hands and we hope you enjoy using them as much as we enjoy being able to share them with you. And we wish you all the best as you put them into practice.




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